Thursday 10 April 2014

Global what? – A Study on Facts and Needs of Global Learning in Germany, Portugal and Romania

The consortium of the project "Facilitating Global Learning - Key competences of members from European CSOs" announces the publication of the study "Global what? – A study on facts and needs of global learning in Germany, Portugal and Romania".

The study shows that the vision on Global Learning (GL) is remarkably different: in Germany there was mention of an “absence of one consistent or commonly known and accepted set of key aspects of what GL means or can mean” as well as “a relatively high familiarity with and receptiveness towards certain competencies and potential neglect of others”.
In Romania there are noted “various interpretations and understandings of GL among Romanian NGOs” and it was concluded that “GL is only partially understood or is limited to the NGOs own experience and interpretations of the term”.
In Portugal it is reported that “31 CSOs did not answer the question or do not have a vision” and, in relation to GL competencies and skills, considered it “very surprising” that “among 100 participants, only 3 specifically mentioned Human Rights and only 4 Social Justice”.

For more results please consult the study here.

The project is implemented by organizations from Germany, Portugal and Romania and it is co-financed by the European Commission. For more information. please visit  

Information provided by Monica Cugler, Project coordinator for Romania

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