Thursday 10 April 2014

Becoming a Glocal Interpreter

The national seminar “Localizing global issues: Development of methodology for grassroots informing, empowerment and social inclusion” organized by Latvian Platform for Development Cooperation (LAPAS) took place on March 4-5.

It was a two day seminar that welcomed two groups of participants: nine representatives of LAPAS member organisations, one international expert from the UK and 10 local grassroots leaders. In this seminar we applied holistic, inductive and multi-stakeholder approach involving non-formal educators, adult-education trainers, academia and grassroots.
This seminar challenged our views with stories about heart journeys and encouraged us to evaluate our development cooperation and global education experience in connection to the
new development paradigm.

As the result, we developed methodological guidelines for NGO and grassroots representatives about localization of global issues. We expect to use the acquired ideas and learnings in activities of LAPAS' EU Presidency project where the developed methodology will support our discussions about global issues within local communities. Thus, the seminar is an investment in competency development and team building of representatives of LAPAS and local grassroots leaders involved in the Presidency project work group who will become “glocal interpreters” in Latvia during EU Presidency in 2015.

Photo by LAPAS: Participants of LAPAS glocalization seminar
Find more info on our website.

Information provided by Inga Belousa and Inese Vaivare, LAPAS

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