Friday 21 June 2013

New Strategies for Learning Environments in Romania

The rising generation of students are information rich, but experience poor. Projects developed by the non-governmental organization ‘Activi pentru Viitor’ (Active for the future) address the separation of school from its community with the purpose of enabling real world experiences, collaboration and critical thinking.

In the past months, our NGO organized hands-on workshops in STEM education (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) where through exploration, dialogue-orientated, learn-centred and participatory methodologies, children, together with their parents, were inspired and capable to grasp the relationship with the world around us.

While representing Bucharest city at the annual conference of the European network of science centres and museums, in June 2013, the NGO ‘Active for the future’ developed new strategies for learning environments. Our NGO aims at producing a mobile lab-on-wheels that will reach multiple areas inside and outside Romanian boarders to foster innovation and encourage communities to share their skills and expertise. By being part of this process, local actors from different cities will help develop practices that strengthen the emergence of a unified actor for change.

Photo by Active for the Future
Information provided by Miruna Amza, Active for the Future 

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