Friday 21 June 2013

Mediterranean Commission on Sustainable Development (MCSD)

The Maltese NGO KOPIN was invited by the Ministry for Sustainable Development, the Environment and Climate Change as one of the observer NGOs to attend the meeting of the Mediterranean Commission on Sustainable Development (MCSD) held in Malta on 10-12th June 2013.

The MCSD is set up within the UNEP/MAP* framework and is made up of 21 permanent members representing each of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention, as well as a number of rotating representatives from the wider community, including environment and development NGOs active at the Mediterranean level.

The main subject of the meeting was the implications of Rio+20 for the Mediterranean. The outcomes of the World Conference on Sustainable Development, especially in relation to water, sustainable consumption and production (SCP), and governance are highly relevant for the Mediterranean region. Discussions at the MCSD meeting aimed at drafting proposals that will enable the region to fully benefit from the Rio+20 outcomes and registering progress on achieving sustainable development. It also offered opportunities for exchange of experiences on sustainable development on a regional and national level, thus also providing networking and learning opportunities.

One of the documents that were at the centre of the discussion was “The Mediterranean SCP Roadmap”. This delineates a strategic process to consolidate the Mediterranean’s world’s leading role in the shift to Sustainable patterns of Consumption and Production. Plan Bleu (the UNEP/MAP Regional Activity Center) presented a preliminary update on the main indicators for the Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development. The report concerns the 34 priority indicators selected in MSSD to monitor the progress made by the Mediterranean countries regarding the main objectives defined for nine priority issues.
1. Improving integrated water resource and demand management;
2. Managing energy demand and mitigate the effects of climate change;
3. Ensuring sustainable mobility through appropriate transport management;
4. Promoting sustainable tourism;
5. Promoting sustainable agricultural and rural development;
6. Promoting sustainable urban development;
7. Promoting sustainable management of the sea and coastal areas and taking urgent action to put an end to the degradation of coastal zones;
8. Strengthening solidarity, commitment and financing for a sustainable development at regional, national and local levels;
9. Strengthening human capital and actors` involvement: research, training, education, awareness-raising and participation.

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* UNEP is the United Nations environment programme/Mediterranean Action Plan for the Barcelona convention. The MAP is the Mediterranean Action Plan - a regional cooperative effort involving 21 countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea, as well as the European Union. Through the MAP, these Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention and its Protocols are determined to meet the challenges of protecting the marine and coastal environment while boosting regional and national plans to achieve sustainable development.

Information provided by William Grech, KOPIN

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