Friday 16 March 2012

EU12 Advocacy Guide Out Soon!

TRIALOG will publish an advocacy guide in the second half of 2012. The guide will introduce newcomers to the world of lobbying and advocacy, with inspiring examples from EU12 experience. Drawing up an advocacy strategy, choosing target groups, using media, planning a campaign and many more topics will be covered.The guide will be practical and down to earth – it will provide suggestions on how to incorporate advocacy into your organisation’s work.

The special feature of the guide will be successful advocacy examples from new EU member state organisations and NGDO platforms. In order to use the best examples, numerous interviews have been conducted and an online questionnaire sent out to organisations. If you have not yet answered the questionnaire, now is your chance!

TRIALOG believes that reading about a successful advocacy initiative in Slovakia or Malta can inspire Bulgarian and Lithuanian organisations and vice versa. Organisations across EU12 have a lot to learn from each other and that is why it is vital to share our experiences Although advocacy can be very specific to each country situation, there are still many similarities of what works and what does not. Being vague and unclear about your advocacy messages is a “no” in every country and doing follow-up after lobby meetings can always be helpful in achieving your goals. The advocacy and lobby guide will share such practical suggestions.

For more information about the advocacy guide please contact Mirjam Sutrop at

Information provided by Mirjam Sutrop, TRIALOG

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