Monday 23 June 2014

Aid Effectiveness in the Making: The Tanzanian Development Partners Group

During the past decade the international development community explored the ways to make develoment assistance more effective. The mainstream approach emphasizes that increased country ownership at the implementation of programs can ensure the sustaninablity of governance reforms in recipient countries. To achieve this, it is essential to better harmonize and align donor initiatives with country’s development strategies and base partnership on mutual accountability. These core guidelines are essential to establish and maintain donor interaction at the country level. The question is what type of institutional arrangement can possibly allow both Development Partners and recipient country government and public administrative systems, to harmonize and align their approaches? Structures like these should enable donor organizations to interact from high-level discussion forums through the thematic, as well as the program and operation levels. 

The article „Aid effectivesness in the making - Mapping the effectiveness of Development Partners Group” written by Marton Leiszens from the Hungarian NGO platform HAND, describes the Tanzanian Development Partners Group (DPG), an inter-agency dialogue structure to assist the Government of Tanzania to implement its Poverty Reduction Strategy. The purpose of the DPG is to create an environment allowing donor organizations to interact, coordinate the design, implenentation and monitoring of joint projects and use joint financing mechanisms. The DPG practice developed in Tanzania can contribute to a more effective aid distribution – both on national and international level - and to the realization of the objectives of the Millennium Development Goals.

Find the publication here: Aid effectivesness in the making - Mapping the effectiveness of Development Partners Group for the Development Partners Group Gender Working Group, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania in 2010.

Information provided by Marton Leiszens

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