Wednesday 17 April 2013

TRIALOG Policy Digest: Post-2015 Development Framework

As the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) approach their 2015 deadline, the international community is working hard to accelerate the achievements of the MDGs in the short time left. It is also focusing on the establishment of a new global framework for development after 2015.

TRIALOG published the Policy Digest Post-2015 Development Framework, which explains the process of post-MDGs and its next steps, it also includes practical suggestions how to get engaged in the topic. The digest was written by Ana Kalin of the Slovenian development CSO platform SLOGA as lead author and Sophia Arnaouti of the Cyprus Islandwide NGO Development Platform CYINDEP, as well as Mirjam Sutrop, TRIALOG Liaison Officer.

The TRIALOG Policy Digests provide insight to currently discussed development policy topics. They provide information about recent policy processes and suggestions how to get engaged in the discussions and actions around the topics. The Policy Digests are written by drafting teams made up of TRIALOG partners and are published on a regular basis every other month.

Information provided by Elisa Romero, TRIALOG

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