Wednesday 17 April 2013

News from the Slovak NGDO Platform

On 4th April 2013 the General Assembly of the Slovak NGDO Platform MVRO took place. GLEN Slovakia became a new member (status of observer) of the Platform. Currently, the Platform has 33 members. At the General Assembly new working groups were presented: Common Fundraising, Policy Coherence for Development, AidWatch/MFF, Development Day, and Ethics and Development. Many of the working groups´ activities will be connected to the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Platform and the ODA progamme SlovakAid.

In the next months, the Platform will work on the code of conduct on ethics and effectiveness. The need for establishing such a code was a result of a survey conducted among member organizations at the end of 2012. Reports of a survey on ethics and effectiveness conducted in 2012 and a survey on Istanbul principles conducted in 2011 can be found at the website of V4aid.  

As part of the awareness raising activities and promotion of the Friends of the NGDO Platform Club, on 7th April a team of the Slovak NGDO Platform joined the National Run Devin-Bratislava. 10 people representing the Platform, its members and friends of the Platform ran to support the idea of sustainable development in less developed countries.

Information provided by Andrea Girmanova, MVRO

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