Tuesday 2 October 2007

Third World Day in Estonia

On September 15th 2007 it was for the third time that the event called World Day took place in Tallinn, Estonia. It was organized by the Estonian Roundtable for Development Cooperation (AKÜ) in cooperation with the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The aim was to introduce development issues to the wider public in Estonia as well as spread information about opportunities of getting involved in solving the global problems.

This year's theme was "Helpful Estonia", which was introducing Estonia as a donor and its priority countries - Ukraine, Moldova, Afghanistan and Georgia. One part of the day was dedicated to Belarus and the difficult situation there. During the event different Estonian and international organizations in the field of developmental and humanitarian aid were introducing their activities. Workshops, discussions and debates took place similarly to the last year and good atmosphere was ensured with different music and dance groups from Estonia and abroad on a stage in the centre of Tallinn. The evening ended with a very emotional and interesting concert from the Finnish - Tanzanian duo PolePole.

Information provided by Merle Kasonen, Estonian Development Cooperation Roundtable AKÜ

Further information: http://www.terveilm.net, merle@terveilm.net

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