Friday 23 May 2014

Slovak NGDO Platform Calling For Fairer Life

In September 2013, the Slovak NGDO Platform, initiated a countrywide Campaign “For a Fairer World – Live Fairly (ŽI FÉR)”. The campaign has had two components: a fundraising campaign (from September 2013 to February 2014) and a year-long awareness raising campaign.

In the first year of the campaign six Slovak NGDOs joined. The current campaign is built on two pillars:
1) right for food – where it recognizes the reality of 12% of world’s population living in acute hunger and
2) Right for education – where it points out to the 123 million young people unable to read and write.
The campaign points out to the interdependencies in the globalized world. It tries to stress that we all are influenced by what happens around the world and we, by our behaviour and lifestyle, also contribute to what is going on in the world.
Thanks to the campaign six development projects of the participating NGDOs and the global education activities of the Platform during the Global Education Week were supported. The awareness raising part of the campaign presents how everyone of us can contribute to a fairer world – consuming less and higher quality local food, through buying fair trade products, less frequent use of cars, watching where our clothes were produced, etc. Those practical tips have also been visualised in 7 short spots available at YouTube. The positive feedback from the Slovak public and NGDO sector with regards to the Campaign encouraged the Slovak NGDO Platform to continue this activity, building on the presently established good image and reputation of the campaign.

More information on the campaign can be found at

Information provided by Andrea Girmanova, Slovak NGDO Plattform

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