In the end of January 2014, the NGDO Platform Executive Director Marta Cubajevaite and Policy Officer Giedre Birzyte took part in an experience sharing visit to Athens, Greece. The aim of the visit was to share the experiences and lessons learned from the EU Presidency amongst the CSOs from Lithuania and Greece. The representatives of the Lithuanian and Hellenic Platforms exchanged ideas on possible promotion of the Post-2015 agenda and Policy Coherence for Development during the Greek EU Presidency. The Lithuanian NDGO Platform representatives shared tips and experiences on publicizing the activities of NGOs and organizing the advocacy work during the Lithuanian EU Presidency.
Development cooperation and education from the regional perspective
In the discussions, participants are introduced to the definitions of development cooperation and education, and learn about their importance. They are presented with updates on the Lithuanian and EU development policies and the challenges they are facing. Qualified development cooperation experts open the discussion on recently conduced research Public and private sector involvement in development cooperation and education in developing countries, which was published in the beginning of May by Association LITDEA. The study reveals the lack of knowledge and substantial experience-based information among local authorities, civil society and the public sector which leads to little opportunities to contribute to the development cooperation.
Therefore the possibilities to start development cooperation projects by local stakeholders are in the spotlight of the round tables. Some good practices of municipalities from Lithuania and other European countries are reviewed. Finally, in practical session the participants define their expectations and needs to generate ideas for future activities contributing to development cooperation and education.
The series is going to culminate in two theoretical and practical trainings held on 3-4 June 2014, where the 40 most active participants will be invited to improve their competencies and skills and prepare a development cooperation project between Lithuanian local authorities, NGOs and development cooperation actors in developing countries.
Photo: The discussion on development cooperation and education in Svenčionys municipality
Information provided by Agne Baleisyte, LU / LITDEA
1 comment:
Its so nice how CSR activities has been made mandatory, its a very good step on part of the Government. I was looking for a few articles on CSR activities in India and I came across yours inspiring read.
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