Thursday, 19 July 2012

Romanian Development Cooperation: 2015 and Beyond - The Roadmap for Effectiveness

During 11-13th of July 2012, the Romanian NGDO Platform (FOND), in partnership with the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs organized the fifth edition of the Romanian Development Camp, an unique space for dialogue and debate which gathered the main important stakeholders of the development cooperation community, both from national and European level: governmental actors, civil society, international donors, partner countries, academia, local authorities, mass media.

Among the guest invited were representatives from the European Commission, CONCORD (the AidWatch coordinator) and other civil society representatives from Poland and Czech Republic.

This edition has brought a new different approach on the Romanian involvement as donor and focused on revising the national strategy on development cooperation policy. The sessions were designed to provide the possibilities for reflection and a better interaction with the participants, in order to maximize the revising process. The participants were divided into thematic working groups (focused on OECD-DAC reporting, NGDOs’ involvement in EU policy, research on ODA and how to optimize the local authorities potential contribution in the field) and cross-sectorial groups (Government, civil society, academia), which provided input and offered perspectives on how Romanian strategy should look like.

At the end of the three days, the participants were encouraged to advance a joint action plan and policy recommendations for 2012-2013, which will be monitored by the platform. Also, FOND assumed the responsibility to propose a framework and timeline for the process of consultation on the revision of the national strategy, which has been initiated at this event. FOND and its Working Group on Policy and Advocacy will continue to build a fruitful cooperation with all the relevant actors in order to ensure that the Romania’s efforts in this field will improve the lives of people from developing countries.

Find more information on the website

In the photo: participants of the Romanian Development Camp 2012.

Information provided by Adriana Zaharia, Romanian NGDO Platform – FOND,

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