Thursday 19 July 2012

AidWatch Seminar in Slovakia

On 9th July 2012 Slovak NGDO Platform organized a seminar called “AIDWATCH 2012 and recommendations to increase the effectiveness of the Slovak ODA”. The seminar was supported by CONCORD and SlovakAid.

Representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Finance, UNDP and non-governmental development organizations participated. The program comprised two parts. In the first block, CONCORD´s AidWatch coordinator Zuzana Sladkova presented the 2012 AidWatch Report. Thereafter, Nora Benakova from the Slovak NGDO Platform introduced the Slovak National AidWatch report. MVRO, the Slovak NGDO Platform presented recommendations to improve the ODA effectiveness. Both presentations enhanced vivid discussions among participants.

In the second block, Zuzana Fialova, the Platform´s chairwoman, focused on the improvements that need to be done in order to increase Slovak aid effectiveness, especially a need to build capacities in the field of development cooperation and gather experts from various fields. Secondly, there is a need to incorporate cross-cutting issues in a more structured way in the ODA programming documents.

The seminar provided space to discuss the results of ODA provision in the last year on the European and national level and addressed issues that need to be worked on in the future in order to increase aid effectiveness.

Picture: Cover of the Slovak National AidWatch Report 2012. Photo: Archive of SAVIO o.z., 2011, South Sudan- Western Equatoria, Primary education support for pupils in Manguo-Maridi

Information provided by Andrea Girmanová, Platforma MVRO - Slovak NGDO Platform

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