Tuesday 19 June 2012

Training on Development and Global Education in Romania

During 11-12th of May, the Romanian NGDO Platform (FOND), in partnership with Civil Society Development Foundation (within the framework of the 'Global Education Without Borders' project, financed by the European Commission), organized a two-day training for its members on development and global education.

The training was designed for civil society organizations, members of academia, practitioners, students and conducted by Iuliana Rada (Civil Society Development Foundation), Mihaela Sabadac (independent trainer) and Mihaela Griga (Policy Center for Roma Minorities), who all attended TRIALOG’s Training for Multipliers (2010 and 2011).

The first day aimed at reaching a common understanding of the two concepts and the links between them and other connected fields. The discussions were animated by role plays, case studies, living library and thematic films, which enabled the participants to get involved in an active learning process and to better understand the intercultural dimension of development.
The second day was dedicated to the role of national and international actors working in development and global education. The participants described the training as being very useful as it offered important knowledge about development and global education, provided a space for learning, exchange and networking and offered concrete ideas for funding opportunities and awareness raising campaigns.

Find more information on the website www.fondromania.org/eng or contact adriana.zaharia@fondromania.org  

Information provided by Adriana Zaharia, Romanian NGDO Platform – FOND

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