Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Slovenian NGDOs review the Code of Conduct on Images and Messages

The seminar “Code of conduct on images and messages” took place in Ljubljana, Slovenia on 17-18 April 2012. Organized by Sloga Slovenian NGDO platform, the seminar was supported by DEEEP as part of its national seminars aiming at strengthening the capacities of national platforms.
The seminar was facilitated by Mrs. Eilish Dillon from Kimmage DSC, Ireland who teaches sociology and research methods and supports and facilitates students in undertaking primary research in development-related areas.

During the first day the participants got familiar with the issues surrounding the use of images and messages (I&M) in a development-related context. First they discussed what do they like or dislike about Slovenian NGOs and their use of I&M. They evaluated the existing fund-raising campaigns and assessed the effects of the images and messages we use. The focus was on stories, stereotyping, labelling, sensationalism, the use of headlines. The next challenge was to understand the key principles of the code through the role playing. The participants learnt why the code has been adopted within the development sector. The conclusion of the first day was given by Slovenian NGOs which provided a short input on the use of I&M in Slovenia.

The second day the facilitator presented how to apply the principles of the code. The participants reviewed the content of the code and explored how to apply the code in NGO media and communications work, campaigning and development education. To that end they prepared their own campaigns which followed the code principles. Organisational strategies for implementing the code was the next task. They set up some guidelines for organisations regarding the sourcing, storage and use of photos, the consent of the photo subjects, guidelines for volunteers, training for the staff within NGOs and the appointment of the “code champion” – the person who promotes the code.
The most important part of the seminar was the exploration of challenges in national level and sectoral implementation mechanisms which brought the discussion about the role of Sloga and other NGOs in the process of the implementation of the Code.

Information provided by Dunja Segrt, SLOGA - Slovenian NGDO Platform for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid

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