Friday 19 July 2013

Major Changes for EC Call for Proposal 2013 for DEAR

The European Commission is planning to launch a new Call for Proposal for Development Education Awareness Raising (DEAR) in October 2013 (see forecast here). This call will include major changes compared to previous calls.

There will be five different funding lots: three for projects within the formal and outside the formal education system as well as advocacy and campaiging. Additionally to these there will be a specific envelope for EU12 countries and Croatia with lower criteria and one for Local Authorities.

The project size will increase as organisations will be able to apply for projects between 1 and 5 Million Euro – depending on the lot. Similarly, 6 to 10 countries will have to be covered by the project. EC co-financing reaches is 85 % or 95 % (EU12/Croatia).

Thematic priorities will be based on an "European Year of Development 2015" and the EC communication "Decent Life for All" which proposes a common EU approach to poverty eradication and sustainable development for an overarching framework for post-2015 (more Information here).

The Powerpoint presentation explaining the changes introduced to the 2013 DEAR Call for Proposals is available on the Policy Forum CiSocH page.

Prior to the final discussion there were advocacy efforts by CSOs and Member States to prevent these major changes, which could mean the exclusion of smaller organisations and countries. The CONCORD position paper you find here.

Also TRIALOG sent a letter of concern. DEEEP is also following the process permanently updating the information on their website.

Information provided by Ulrike Bey, TRIALOG

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