Thursday 18 December 2014

Organisation of the Month from Latvia: homo ecos:

homo ecos: is one of the youngest organisations in the LAPAS family, having joined LAPAS in 2013. Since then, homo ecos: has proved its activism and creativity not only in relation to green issues but also development, and has been given the possibility to implement a Food Security campaign during the Latvian Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

homo ecos: is an environmental organisation that unites people in Latvia and abroad who care for balanced progress that suits both human beings and the planet we live on. homo ecos: is a future society, which does not lavish the Earth’s resources, but rather knows how to both use resources mindfully and how to preserve them for next generations. homo ecos: educates, involves, inspires and encourages those who care for the needs of future generations.

For inspiration on actions for climate change, zero waste, green lifestyle, green packaging and sustainability initiatives check homo ecos: website.

Especially highly recommended activities:
- Activism workshop – when art meets activism
- library and green floor activities 
- Maisbergs campaign against ever growing mountain of (food) packaging

Photo: homo ecos:
Information provided by LAPAS

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