Thursday 18 December 2014

AidWatch on Czech ODA in 2013

In its recent analysis of Czech Official Development Assistance (ODA) in 2013, FoRS – Czech Forum for Development Cooperation, the platform of Czech NGOs and other Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), presents several positive developments such as the accession of Czech Republic in the Development Assistance Committee of the OECD as the first EU 13 country, the successful completion of the Czech ODA system transformation, the set-up of a system of evaluations of development projects, the implementation of over 300 development projects for about 17 600 EUR in partner countries, as well as the confirmation of sector and geographical priorities as a result of a mid-term review of the Czech ODA strategy or a stable high public support for development cooperation and humanitarian assistance. On the other hand, FoRS also mentions a series of challenges such as the failure to meet the governmental commitment to provide 0,33 % GNI on ODA by 2015 despite economic recovery in 2013 (this proportion actually decreased from 0,12 % in 2012 to 0,11 %), unfavourable increase of the proportion of multilateral aid vs. bilateral aid (73:27), the continued lack of a concrete roadmap to fulfil Busan commitments on development effectiveness and a lack of monitoring of the Policy Coherence for Development (PCD) principle as well as of a political commitment and strategy to improve the different policies.

FoRS also makes efforts to ensure that the Czech ODA is not affected by immediate political and economic interests and that it maintains eradication of poverty and inequalities at its core task. Considering its limited budget and capacities, the Czech ODA should be as effective as possible.

The FoRS AidWatch 2014 (only in Czech) is available here, but the main issues are contained in the Czech country page in the new CONCORD AidWatch 2014.

Contact person at FoRS: Marie Zázvorková

Information provided by Marie Zázvorková, FoRS

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