Friday 31 October 2014

Croatian NGO Platform Members Show Solidarity for Hungarian NGOs

To show their support and express solidarity with the Hungarian activists, on 23rd of September 2014, members of the Croatioan development CSO platform CROSOL protested in front of the Hungarian Embassy in Zagreb.

„Stop harrasing the activists!“ was written on a big banner in Croatian and Hungarian language. With that act, CROSOL warned about the recent raids staiged by the government of Victor Orban against associations for protection of human rights and fight against corruption in Hungary. Activists, lead by Gordan Bosanac from Centre for Peace Studies, planned to give the protest letter to Hungarian Embassador Iván Gábor, in which they strongly oppose the oppresion of Orban's government. The staff of the embassy did not give them the chance to personally turn in the letter, so they put it in the mail box.

A week before this protest, CROSOL held a press conference on the same manner, in order to inform the Croatian public about the problem in Hungary. The press conference took place in front of the House of Europe, just before new Croatian MEPs were represented. They also advocated among the Croatian MEPs not to vote for Tibor Navracsics who was a candidate for the European Commission, and to have in mind that he was in fact a minister in Orban's government and as such – directly responsible for violations of freedom and human rights.

Read more on CROSOL Facebook page and website.

Photo credits: CROSOL, Gordan Bosanac being interviewed during the solidarity action.

Information provided by Gordan Bosanac, CROSOL

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