Thursday 31 January 2013

Monitoring of Polish MFA’s Grant Competition

As every year, in January and February Grupa Zagranica (Polish NGDO Platform) monitors grant competitions run by public administration that allocate public funds in the area of development cooperation. The aim is to look and assess the transparency and compliance with the procedures of the selection of applications’ process. Observers of grant committee sessions are chosen among representatives of member organizations and Zagranica Group’s Office. This activity ends with compiling and publishing the report, that contains an analysis of the course of the competition, together with the conclusions and recommendations for the Ministry for Foreign Affairs (MFA). The report is then discussed with MFA representatives.

Zagranica Group’s Office is open to exchange experiences and good practices with other national platforms, regarding to this activity.

For more information contact: Janek Bazyl at:

Information provided by Magdalena Trojanek, Grupa Zagranica

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