Monday 16 July 2007

Glopolis seminar: Climate, Agriculture and Development - CEE NGO Advocacy

A regional capacity-building seminar focused on Climate, Agriculture and Development – CEE NGO Advocacy. The seminar was organized by Glopolis - Prague Global Policy Institute and took place in Prague from May 21 until May 23, 2007. The seminar hosted about 30 participants, mainly from development, environmental, alter-globalization and other civil society organizations (CSOs) from the Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries along with top NGO experts from the EU-15 countries.

The main objectives of the seminar were to:
  • find linkages between climate change, agriculture and development,
  • exchange experience with other civil society organizations from the CEE region and with experts and NGOs from the EU,
  • strengthen regional and EU networks,
  • strategize, brainstorm and plan how to enhance NGO advocacy and policy work in the region.

The seminar was divided into two parts – an analytical one with panel discussions, workshops and brainstormings where participants presented different views on, and links between, economic globalization and sustainable development (food sovereignty, climate change, EPAs). They identified and discussed pro-development and pro-sustainable alternatives to these global problems.

The second part consisted of meetings between Czech NGO representatives and decision-makers on the advocacy work and lobbying. This was followed by a debriefing of the meeting and strategic brainstorming about advocacy strategies for CEE NGOs.

The recommendations can be summarized as follows:
CEE NGO’s need to monitor and analyze relevant national, EU and international policies (agricultural, energy/climate and trade policy) and their impacts on sustainable development (with a view to increasing policy coherence for development) to be able to advocate for alternatives in these fields among key target groups (decision-makers, media, public). This includes learning how to hand over advocacy skills in the local work, through transfer of knowledge and skills from selected international and European development campaigns.

For further information on the Glopolis seminar please contact:

Information provided by Marek Vaculik, Glopolis

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