Monday 16 July 2007

GLEN training seminar: Transferring South Experience into quality global education

The Global Education Network of Young Europeans, GLEN, established in 2004, is active in global education activities. It organises three-month stays for selected young Europeans in East-European, Asian and African countries. Since the stay abroad is part of a wider range of activities aiming at awareness raising in Europe, GLEN organises accompanying activities which prepare participants of the program for using their experience in global education activities.

“Transferring South experience into quality global education” was the topic of a seminar, conducted within this broader framework for participants of GLEN in May 2007. The Slovene Philanthropy, a new member of GLEN hosted the seminar, which took place in Vojsko, West of Ljubljana, Slovenia. 22 Europeans from 6 European countries participated in the 4 days seminar co-financed by TRIALOG. Those participants, most of which were former and future participants of GLEN, will work as multipliers for issues of global development in the future.

The seminar was facilitated by the former GLEN participants Dorota Gadzinowska and Gabriele Lipska who work for the Polish Humanitarian Organisation (PHO). After the GLEN project phase, they have conducted several global education activities in cooperation with Polish schools. The seminar offered a broad overview on organisational, methodological and conceptional aspects of global education particularly in schools.

A special emphasis was put on how to use South experience without reproducing stereotypes. Representation of the so-called South, such the assumption, is often using pictures which show a very small and distinct part of the reality of life in these countries. GLEN is concerned with producing an alternative picture in and through its global education activities. The seminar offered a great possibility for sharing ideas concerning this topic and for exchanging on different country contexts. The international context of the seminar contributed to strengthening exchange of knowledge for further networking and engagement in global education on country- and cross-country level.

For further information visit the GLEN website at:

Information provided by Joanna Muenker, ASA/GLEN. For additional information contact her at:

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