Wednesday 25 June 2008

News from the Maltese platform SKOP

Over the past year the National Platform of Maltese NGDOs has undergone a number of changes. The platform has been engaged more actively with the media, issuing regular press releases about development issues, writing articles for newspapers and also participating in interviews. Therefore the need for a logo and a catchier name was felt.

A process of discussion was opened up with the member organizations which resulted in the new logo (which you can see) and the name SKOP, standing for solidarity and cooperation. Another change related to SKOP's visibility and image is the current restructuring of the platform's website (which will become available at:

Both public visibility and regular organization of activities for development organizations (for members and non-members), have brought the platform into closer relationship and dialogue with different stakeholders in the sector of Development. In the past years SKOP’s membership has also increased to 13 organizations whilst others are discussing the possibility of joining.

The above mentioned achievements were possible also thanks to a Presidency Fund project which SKOP embarked on last year. The support of the Presidency Fund has been crucial for the platform’s and its membership capacity building; giving them the possibility to engage NGDO organizations (members and non-members), the media and Ministries into advocacy on development issues, also raising awareness and knowledge about development policy issues.

Also the Platform’s engagement with CONCORD and support from TRIALOG assisted SKOP to slowly but surely strengthen itself, develop its expertise and engage in advocacy work in a more effective and professional manner.

Information provided by Mario Gerada, SKOP - Secretariat

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