LAPAS presented over 30 copies of the report to the Head of the Parliament Foreign Relations Committee, the Head of the European Affairs Committee, the Prime Minister, the Finance Minister, Head of the State Chancellery and other key policy makers.
In addition, LAPAS sent a letter to all of the 100 members of parliament to thank them for their participation in adopting the Law on Development Cooperation and International Aid (still underway). The letter urged them to remember that a law alone will not help them keep up their committments; financial support is needed.
May 22nd concluded with a meeting at the National Youth Council with members of youth NGOs. The heated discussion went overtime about Latvia’s need to be more active. At the end of the day, visits to the LAPAS website were double the average.
AidWatch activities culminated with an op-ed editorial in Diena, Latvia’s most widely read daily newspaper written by Mara Simane, LAPAS Director.

Cartoon by Ernests Klavins, accompanying LAPAS article on Latvia’s aid committments in Latvia’s most widely read daily newspaper Diena, May 23rd, 2008.
Visit the LAPAS website:
Information provided by Mara Simane, LAPAS Director
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