Thursday 20 December 2007

Seminar on Time Management for staff of NGDO platforms

On the 4th and 5th of December 2007 TRIALOG organized a time management seminar in Vienna - for staff of NGDO platforms from new EU member states.

The first day was on the methodology of the "Theatre of the Oppressed" (according to Agosto Boal) coming from Brazil. The theory behind that theatre is to show, that the changed role of only one person ("the oppressed") within a specific daily scene is changing the situation as a whole. For the seminar, the theatre pedagogue from the Austrian Sog Theatre, Margarethe Meixner, used the topic of stress and frustration due to overload.

The second day, led by Petra Kreinecker, TRIALOG capacity building officer, focused on practical tools for banishing so called "time thieves". The issue of prioritisation and planning the daily activities as well as making mid and long term plans in a written form, concerned all participants - organizing methods have the overall aim and potential to free more time through proper organization.

Information provided by Mirko Dautovic, TRIALOG intern, and Petra Kreinecker, TRIALOG Capacity Building Officer

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