Friday 21 December 2012

CSO Partnership on Development Effectiveness

The end of one process often marks the beginning of a second, and this is true of the Open Forum, which successfully completed its mandate this month. The decision was taken to merge the two CSO global processes dealing with aid effectiveness - Open Forum and BetterAid – after the fourth high level forum on aid effectiveness in Busan. The new CSO Partnership on Development Effectiveness (CPDE) is a result of worldwide CSO consultations over the past year and intends to respond better to the post-Busan development agenda. The CPDE Global Council met in Nairobi in December 2012 to finalise the strategy, working groups and mandate.

The ‘ABC’ of the New Global CSO Platform (taken from the last Open Forum newsletter):

- Mandate: The CPDE is an open platform for civil society organizations worldwide that promotes CSOs’ vision of development effectiveness as based on a rights-based approach prioritizing women’s rights, sustainability, improved livelihoods, mutual accountability - as well as CSOs’ own effectiveness and enabling environment - in the scope of the policy and practice of the Busan Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation, and by focusing on country level outcomes while coordinating CSO efforts globally.

- Structure: The CPDE is led by a Global Council representing the major regional and sectoral civil society groups worldwide and is assisted in its task by a Coordination Committee, Global Secretariat, thematic Working Groups, and an Independent Accountability Committee.

The CPDE will focus on three priority areas: CSO Development Effectiveness; enabling environment for CSOs and the Human Rights Based Approach.

For more information on the CPDE:
 Consult the CPDE Bulletin and website of BetterAid
 Refer to the Open Forum CPDE webpage

Information provided by Rebecca Steel-JasiƄska, TRIALOG

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