We are happy to announce our latest publication and the re-lauch of the TRIALOG website.
The TRIALOG advocacy guide introduces readers to the world of lobbying and advocacy, with inspiring examples from EU12 experience. Drawing up an advocacy strategy, choosing target groups, using media, planning a campaign and many more topics are covered. The guide is a practical and down to earth– tool which provides suggestions on how to incorporate advocacy into your organisation’s work. A special feature of the guide are successful advocacy examples from new EU member state organisations and NGDO platforms.
Download the guide from the TRIALOG website.
The TRIALOG website was refreshed with a new design and a more user-friendly structure. New elements include an interactive EU-map that brings you directly to the country pages of the newer EU member states, quick-links to all EU13 platforms, news from EU13 platforms and TRIALOG and a login areas for partners to share internal documents.
Visit the website now at www.trialog.or.at
We hope that the Advocacy Guide and the website will be useful tools for your work in the field of development education and development cooperation.
Information provided by Elisa Romero, TRIALOG
Friday, 21 December 2012
4th TRIALOG Development Education/Awareness Raising Partnership Fair – Application open
TRIALOG held successful Partnership Fairs in 2006, 2010 and 2011 where many of the EC-funded development education projects under NSA-LA line were conceived. TRIALOG will host the fourth edition of this event from 13 to 15 March, 2013. At this event around 100 participants from across the EU work on possible projects for the NSA-LA Development Education call. The Partnership Fair is a learning, networking and project-designing event from development CSOs from across Europe. TRIALOG aims to include representatives not only from NGOs but also from trade unions, academia, political foundations and Local Authorities. The Partnership Fair facilitates partnerships, cooperation, learning and exchange at an international level for joint projects for DEAR.
Please find a more detailed description here.
Download the application form.
Deadline for application is 8th of February 2013.
For further information please contact Ulrike Bey at u.bey@trialog.or.at
Information provided by Ulrike Bey, TRIALOG
Please find a more detailed description here.
Download the application form.
Deadline for application is 8th of February 2013.
For further information please contact Ulrike Bey at u.bey@trialog.or.at
Information provided by Ulrike Bey, TRIALOG
First TRIALOG Strategy Meeting in the New Project Phase
On December 4th 2012, the first Strategy Meeting of TRIALOG in the new project phase was held in Vienna. This meeting – in previous phases called the Central Training - is meant for mutual exchange and updates about the situations of the platforms and planning of joint projects. In a market place EU12 /AC platforms presented an overview of the platform situations, their achievements and challenges of the past couple of months with regards to financial situation, platform structure and priorities of work. It was clear that all platforms are struggling with an insecure financial future. Main challenges are stability and continued involvement of member organisations within the platform under the current circumstances but also the improvement of relations with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The day continued with a presentation of CONCORD priorities in 2013 by Klavdija Cernilogar, head of programmes, which was useful in relating to the platforms’ own activities. Following were presentations on specific policy issues and how they are translated into the national contexts of several countries. Jana Milerova of the Czech platform FoRS presented examples of how NGO effectiveness – also laid down in the Istanbul principles - is implemented by member organisations of FoRS. Kerstin Wittig presented the activities of the Cypriot island-wide platform CYINDEP to promote the Beyond2015 campaign during the Cypriot EU presidency. Marjan Huc of the Slovenian platform Sloga introduced the project “World Wise Europe” on policy coherence for development (PCD) where eight EU12 platforms are involved under the lead of the Belgian NGO 11.11.11. He elaborated how Sloga engages to relate PCD to the Slovenian national context and to get public and policy support for the topic. The discussions that started during the panel presentations continued during the following working groups where platform representatives were looking more deeply at the different topics. The sessions turned out to be a sharing of information, best practices and examples. In future the Strategy meetings will be held by the end of the calendar year. The capacity building activities of TRIALOG V leave a lot of space for joint actions.
In the photos: participants of the Strategy Meeting during working group sessions.
Information provided by Ulrike Bey, TRIALOG
The day continued with a presentation of CONCORD priorities in 2013 by Klavdija Cernilogar, head of programmes, which was useful in relating to the platforms’ own activities. Following were presentations on specific policy issues and how they are translated into the national contexts of several countries. Jana Milerova of the Czech platform FoRS presented examples of how NGO effectiveness – also laid down in the Istanbul principles - is implemented by member organisations of FoRS. Kerstin Wittig presented the activities of the Cypriot island-wide platform CYINDEP to promote the Beyond2015 campaign during the Cypriot EU presidency. Marjan Huc of the Slovenian platform Sloga introduced the project “World Wise Europe” on policy coherence for development (PCD) where eight EU12 platforms are involved under the lead of the Belgian NGO 11.11.11. He elaborated how Sloga engages to relate PCD to the Slovenian national context and to get public and policy support for the topic. The discussions that started during the panel presentations continued during the following working groups where platform representatives were looking more deeply at the different topics. The sessions turned out to be a sharing of information, best practices and examples. In future the Strategy meetings will be held by the end of the calendar year. The capacity building activities of TRIALOG V leave a lot of space for joint actions.
In the photos: participants of the Strategy Meeting during working group sessions.
Information provided by Ulrike Bey, TRIALOG
Czech NGDO Platform FoRS launched new Aidwatch Report on Czech ODA in 2011
In their new Aidwatch report on Czech Official Development Assistance (ODA) in 2011, development NGOs associated in Czech Forum for Development Cooperation (FoRS) point out that the quality of the Czech aid has increased, but it is necessary to ensure its stable funding.
The report shows that Czech ODA is operating more effectively and more transparently. Several conceptual documents were prepared by the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) in 2011 such as country strategy papers with 4 of the 5 priority program countries, a new Project Cycle Methodology for bilateral ODA defining standard procedures and roles of individual actors as well as the National Strategy for Global Development Education and the Strategy for Government Grants for Students from Developing Countries. In addition, evaluations of bilateral development projects were launched in 2011. Moreover, the responsibilities, competencies and the aid budget within the Czech ODA will be unified under the Czech MFA in 2013.
The volume of Czech ODA in 2011 slightly increased compared to 2010 reaching approx. 177,2 million EUR. Most bilateral ODA went to the priority countries: Afghanistan (8 million EUR), Mongolia and Moldova (3 million EUR each). The highest part of bilateral ODA was spent on strengthening government and civil society, which is the sector of a long-standing Czech expertise. However, with ODA representing only 0,12 % of the Czech Gross National Income (GNI), compared to 0,13 % in 2010, the Czech Republic does not meet its international commitments to provide 0,33 % of its GNI for ODA by 2015. In addition, the proportion of the bilateral ODA was further reduced to 31 % of the total ODA and was spent mostly on development projects in partner countries carried out by various actors, especially private companies (37 %) and civil society organizations (34 %).
A briefing paper in English based on FoRS Aidwatch report including FoRS recommendations for Czech state institutions is available here.
Contact person: Marie Zazvorkova, marie.zazvorkova@fors.cz
Information provided by Marie Zazvorkova, FoRS
The report shows that Czech ODA is operating more effectively and more transparently. Several conceptual documents were prepared by the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) in 2011 such as country strategy papers with 4 of the 5 priority program countries, a new Project Cycle Methodology for bilateral ODA defining standard procedures and roles of individual actors as well as the National Strategy for Global Development Education and the Strategy for Government Grants for Students from Developing Countries. In addition, evaluations of bilateral development projects were launched in 2011. Moreover, the responsibilities, competencies and the aid budget within the Czech ODA will be unified under the Czech MFA in 2013.
The volume of Czech ODA in 2011 slightly increased compared to 2010 reaching approx. 177,2 million EUR. Most bilateral ODA went to the priority countries: Afghanistan (8 million EUR), Mongolia and Moldova (3 million EUR each). The highest part of bilateral ODA was spent on strengthening government and civil society, which is the sector of a long-standing Czech expertise. However, with ODA representing only 0,12 % of the Czech Gross National Income (GNI), compared to 0,13 % in 2010, the Czech Republic does not meet its international commitments to provide 0,33 % of its GNI for ODA by 2015. In addition, the proportion of the bilateral ODA was further reduced to 31 % of the total ODA and was spent mostly on development projects in partner countries carried out by various actors, especially private companies (37 %) and civil society organizations (34 %).
A briefing paper in English based on FoRS Aidwatch report including FoRS recommendations for Czech state institutions is available here.
Contact person: Marie Zazvorkova, marie.zazvorkova@fors.cz
Information provided by Marie Zazvorkova, FoRS
Malta’s AidWatch Working Group
Malta’s AidWatch Working Group (AWWG) has had a very busy second part of 2012. SKOP (National Platform of Maltese NGDOs ) was granted funds through CONCORD’s Sub-contracting Scheme to employ an AidWatch Research and Advocacy Officer for six months.
During this period, the AWWG managed to intensify its research capacities and thus enhance its advocacy actions. Malta’s AWWG aims to provide a detailed report and analysis of the Government’s Official Development Assistance programme. This would enable the AWWG to make recommendations aimed at a more efficient and effective national ODA programme. The necessity to focus more energies on this issue came after years of difficulties encountered in accessing data and information related to Malta’s ODA, as a result of lack of transparency.
The work carried out since June brought about a strengthened dialogue with the Development Unit within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as established new communication links with other Ministries and institutions involved in the management and allocation of Malta’s ODA. Communication with other national platforms, especially from the EU12, helped in identifying potential solutions. This was based on sharing of experiences, good practices and lessons learnt.
The research project has been helpful for SKOP’s AWWG and other civil society organizations and representatives (such as academia) to jointly advocate for an improved political framework and a clearer implementation strategy focused on poverty. A multi-stakeholder workshop was organized on the 8th November entitled, “A Review of Malta’s Overseas Development Assistance (ODA) through the past three years from a political, academic and civil society point of view”, during which representatives from political parties, academia, NGOs and other civil society backgrounds discussed how the quality and transparency of Malta’s ODA programme could be improved.
The next step is to gear up on advocacy actions with politicians, especially in view of the upcoming General Elections in Malta on 9th March 2013.
For further information, contact Ms. Paola Prinzis, AidWatch Research and Advocacy Officer: paola.prinzis@skopmalta.org
Information provided by Philippa Arrigo, SKOP
During this period, the AWWG managed to intensify its research capacities and thus enhance its advocacy actions. Malta’s AWWG aims to provide a detailed report and analysis of the Government’s Official Development Assistance programme. This would enable the AWWG to make recommendations aimed at a more efficient and effective national ODA programme. The necessity to focus more energies on this issue came after years of difficulties encountered in accessing data and information related to Malta’s ODA, as a result of lack of transparency.
The work carried out since June brought about a strengthened dialogue with the Development Unit within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as established new communication links with other Ministries and institutions involved in the management and allocation of Malta’s ODA. Communication with other national platforms, especially from the EU12, helped in identifying potential solutions. This was based on sharing of experiences, good practices and lessons learnt.
The research project has been helpful for SKOP’s AWWG and other civil society organizations and representatives (such as academia) to jointly advocate for an improved political framework and a clearer implementation strategy focused on poverty. A multi-stakeholder workshop was organized on the 8th November entitled, “A Review of Malta’s Overseas Development Assistance (ODA) through the past three years from a political, academic and civil society point of view”, during which representatives from political parties, academia, NGOs and other civil society backgrounds discussed how the quality and transparency of Malta’s ODA programme could be improved.
The next step is to gear up on advocacy actions with politicians, especially in view of the upcoming General Elections in Malta on 9th March 2013.
For further information, contact Ms. Paola Prinzis, AidWatch Research and Advocacy Officer: paola.prinzis@skopmalta.org
Information provided by Philippa Arrigo, SKOP
The World We Want – Global Civil Society Symposium
CYINDEP, the Cyprus Island-wide NGO Development Platform carried out a symposium with the aim of providing the space to civil society to interact with other relevant stakeholders from academia, international institutions, governments and the private sector, to discuss, share ideas and concerns on the issue of food and nutrition security. The symposium was held on the 22nd and 23rd of November 2012 in Cyprus.
The symposium focused on six key issues of food security, namely: nutrition, sustainable agriculture, resilience, water, governance and the role of the private sector, while it was based on the cross-cutting issues of the Human Rights based approach, Policy Coherence for Development and Sustainable Development with its three dimensions (environmental; economic; and socio-political).
During the second day a High Level Panel was co-organised with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cyprus, hosting European Commissioner for Development Andris Piebalgs, the Irish Development Minister Joe Costello, Baroness Northover from DfID, HRH Prince Seeiso Bereng Seeiso of Lesotho, Krystyna Bednarska, Director of WFP Office in Brussels and Ben Slay from UNDP Regional Centre in Bratislava. Cypriot Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr Erato Kozakou Marcoullis during her opening speech noted that ‘The pursuit of an ambitious and visionary post-2015 development agenda requires an inclusive and visionary coalition, encompassing a variety of dedicated stakeholders within and beyond Europe. Our aim today is to build such a coalition, a coalition which stretches across civil society and governments, across Europe and the world’.
The conference envisages influencing the post-2015 framework through a set of specific recommendations, which will feed into the Thematic Consultation on Hunger, Food and Nutrition Security and the national consultations. The Cypriot Platform is also very keen in continuing the work on food and nutrition security within the new development framework through other activities.
Information provided by Sophia Arnaouti, CYINDEP
The symposium focused on six key issues of food security, namely: nutrition, sustainable agriculture, resilience, water, governance and the role of the private sector, while it was based on the cross-cutting issues of the Human Rights based approach, Policy Coherence for Development and Sustainable Development with its three dimensions (environmental; economic; and socio-political).
During the second day a High Level Panel was co-organised with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cyprus, hosting European Commissioner for Development Andris Piebalgs, the Irish Development Minister Joe Costello, Baroness Northover from DfID, HRH Prince Seeiso Bereng Seeiso of Lesotho, Krystyna Bednarska, Director of WFP Office in Brussels and Ben Slay from UNDP Regional Centre in Bratislava. Cypriot Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr Erato Kozakou Marcoullis during her opening speech noted that ‘The pursuit of an ambitious and visionary post-2015 development agenda requires an inclusive and visionary coalition, encompassing a variety of dedicated stakeholders within and beyond Europe. Our aim today is to build such a coalition, a coalition which stretches across civil society and governments, across Europe and the world’.
The conference envisages influencing the post-2015 framework through a set of specific recommendations, which will feed into the Thematic Consultation on Hunger, Food and Nutrition Security and the national consultations. The Cypriot Platform is also very keen in continuing the work on food and nutrition security within the new development framework through other activities.
Information provided by Sophia Arnaouti, CYINDEP
Visegrad4 Parliamentarians Visiting Ethiopia
From 10th- 19th November 2012 nine members of the parliaments of the Visegrad4 countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia) visited Ethiopia as part of the EU funded project V4 Aid- United Support for the MDGs. The journey was organized by People in Need (CZ), DemNet Foundation (HU), Polish Humanitarian Action (PL), Slovak NGDO Platform and PDCS (SK).
The visit enabled the V4 decision makers to gain firsthand experience of Global South countries' development problems, provide them invaluable insight into development cooperation and its complexity as well as stimulate debate and further interaction between the representatives of V4 countries on national ODA policies. Participants had the opportunity to meet the representatives of the Ministry of Finance and Economy, Ministry of Water and Energy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the EU Delegation in Ethiopia, the Federal and Regional Parliament of the SNNPR. Most of the journey concentrated on visiting V4 development projects. In Debre Zeit the participants visited a school supported by the Slovak Integra Foundation, in Alemtema a school run by the Missionary Sisters of the Holy Spirit which is supported by Polish Aid. Most of the visited project was supported by Czech NGOs, especially People in Need that have the most extensive presence in Ethiopia among V4 countries. Apart from the health and education projects in the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and People's Region, the MPs visited environmental, sanitation and agriculture projects implemented by Czech NGOs. The beginning and the end of the visit was accompanied by a meeting with the V4 ambassadors who are present in Ethiopia.
Partners of the project will organize a follow-up conference on V4 cooperation in the area of development that will take place on 21st January 2013 in Budapest.
More information on V4 cooperation in Ethiopia can be found in the analysis here.
The author of the photo is Robert Hodosi
Description: Meeting at the Polish Embassy in Ethiopia.
Information provided by Andrea Girmanová, Platforma MVRO - Slovak NGDO Platform
The visit enabled the V4 decision makers to gain firsthand experience of Global South countries' development problems, provide them invaluable insight into development cooperation and its complexity as well as stimulate debate and further interaction between the representatives of V4 countries on national ODA policies. Participants had the opportunity to meet the representatives of the Ministry of Finance and Economy, Ministry of Water and Energy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the EU Delegation in Ethiopia, the Federal and Regional Parliament of the SNNPR. Most of the journey concentrated on visiting V4 development projects. In Debre Zeit the participants visited a school supported by the Slovak Integra Foundation, in Alemtema a school run by the Missionary Sisters of the Holy Spirit which is supported by Polish Aid. Most of the visited project was supported by Czech NGOs, especially People in Need that have the most extensive presence in Ethiopia among V4 countries. Apart from the health and education projects in the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and People's Region, the MPs visited environmental, sanitation and agriculture projects implemented by Czech NGOs. The beginning and the end of the visit was accompanied by a meeting with the V4 ambassadors who are present in Ethiopia.
Partners of the project will organize a follow-up conference on V4 cooperation in the area of development that will take place on 21st January 2013 in Budapest.
More information on V4 cooperation in Ethiopia can be found in the analysis here.
The author of the photo is Robert Hodosi
Description: Meeting at the Polish Embassy in Ethiopia.
Information provided by Andrea Girmanová, Platforma MVRO - Slovak NGDO Platform
Czech Engagement in Development Cooperation in the Times of Economic Crisis
On 20 November 2012, the Czech Forum for Development Cooperation (FoRS) organized a panel discussion titled "Should the Czech Republic remain engaged in development cooperation in the times of an economic crisis?". Panelists from the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Czech Development Agency, the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Parliament and Caritas Czech Republic agreed on the strengths of Czech aid especially the experience from the transition period to democracy and market economy, a considerable progress on the systemic level (clear structure with responsibilities, a multiannual strategy, country strategy papers etc.) and small, but relatively stable funding despite an economic crisis. Some weaker aspects of Czech aid were also mentioned such as relatively low sustainability of development projects and insufficient communication towards, awareness among and support from policy and decision makers and the public for development cooperation.
On this occasion FoRS also published a press release, presented its new Aidwatch report on Czech Official Development Assistance in 2011 as well as a new version of the website http://www.fors.cz/ceskapomoc/ providing a detailed and interactive database of over a hundred development projects of Czech NGOs.
Contact person: Marie Zazvorkova, marie.zazvorkova@fors.cz
Information provided by Marie Zazvorkova, FoRS
On this occasion FoRS also published a press release, presented its new Aidwatch report on Czech Official Development Assistance in 2011 as well as a new version of the website http://www.fors.cz/ceskapomoc/ providing a detailed and interactive database of over a hundred development projects of Czech NGOs.
Contact person: Marie Zazvorkova, marie.zazvorkova@fors.cz
Information provided by Marie Zazvorkova, FoRS
Forum on Personal Security launched under the Czech NGO Platform
On 22nd of November 2012 the Czech NGO platform (FoRS), in partnership with the humanitarian organisation ADRA Czech Republic and a team of Security/Safety Professionals SALANGA, organized a Round table on topic „Personal security in Czech Development Cooperation“.
The round table in Prague was part of the project supported by Czech Development Agency that aims to contribute to the professionalisation of organisations active in the field of humanitarian aid and development cooperation with focus on personal safety and security of personell deployed abroad.
While the opening remarks presented by representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Security Department summarized the tools that Czech Republic has to ensure security of its Citizen abroad, the following discussion was touching mainly personal experiences with practical aspects of sending personnel to risk areas. The round table discussion involved not only the field of humanitarian and development work but also academic institutions preparing students for their future carrier in this field and organisations sending volunteers to Global South countries.
The third part of the round table was dedicated to presentation of the project outcomes – a new e-learning course on personal safety and security and an internet forum for exchange of security experience and information among Czech NGOs.
This round table hopefully was only the beginning of a wider discussion on the topic. There is a plan to start a working group under the Czech NGO platform that will focus on Personal Security and will aim to strengthen the discussion on this topic in context of Czech development cooperation.
Related link: www.security-training.cz
Contact person: Markéta Lančová, Marketa.Lancova@adra.cz
The round table in Prague was part of the project supported by Czech Development Agency that aims to contribute to the professionalisation of organisations active in the field of humanitarian aid and development cooperation with focus on personal safety and security of personell deployed abroad.
While the opening remarks presented by representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Security Department summarized the tools that Czech Republic has to ensure security of its Citizen abroad, the following discussion was touching mainly personal experiences with practical aspects of sending personnel to risk areas. The round table discussion involved not only the field of humanitarian and development work but also academic institutions preparing students for their future carrier in this field and organisations sending volunteers to Global South countries.
The third part of the round table was dedicated to presentation of the project outcomes – a new e-learning course on personal safety and security and an internet forum for exchange of security experience and information among Czech NGOs.
This round table hopefully was only the beginning of a wider discussion on the topic. There is a plan to start a working group under the Czech NGO platform that will focus on Personal Security and will aim to strengthen the discussion on this topic in context of Czech development cooperation.
Related link: www.security-training.cz
Contact person: Markéta Lančová, Marketa.Lancova@adra.cz
Finding new Ways of Cooperation in Developing Countries
On 22nd of November 2012, the Czech NGO platform (FoRS) organized the workshop on topic: Finding of new ways of cooperation in developing countries. The workshop was organized within the project RESAREAS. The aim of this project is to create a network among the organizations and institutions active in research and development in non-European countries.
The workshop tried to enhance the discussion among the participants from academic institutions, the private sector and NGOs active in developing countries. There were also some representatives from the Czech Development Agency and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs which showed their support for this topic.
According to the participants from all sectors there are now just few examples of projects coordinated by actors from all sectors. Although the potential is very high, especially in the field of sharing knowledge and expertise, the actors are facing many obstacles, for example in terms of legislation or fear. Each sector can offer different types of contribution and together we could be very successful. All the participants expressed their interests to continue the discussion on this topic.
Contact person: Adéla Stiborová, asistent@fors.cz
According to the participants from all sectors there are now just few examples of projects coordinated by actors from all sectors. Although the potential is very high, especially in the field of sharing knowledge and expertise, the actors are facing many obstacles, for example in terms of legislation or fear. Each sector can offer different types of contribution and together we could be very successful. All the participants expressed their interests to continue the discussion on this topic.
Contact person: Adéla Stiborová, asistent@fors.cz
Journalists in Latvia talk about Communication for Development
On 29th of November 2012 media representatives from all regions of Latvia were invited to participate in the National World Talks about Communication for Development. The goal of this event was to raise awareness and discuss with media professionals about communication for development, its essence, topics and methods.
The event was organised in close cooperation between the Latvian Platform for Development Cooperation (LAPAS) and its member organisation Latvian Media Professionals Training Center. A total of 16 journalists took part in event, representing 15 different local print media - which is still one of the main information sources for lots of people, especially in the countryside. Invited guests were representatives from the Latvian forum for Latvian Farmer’s Federation and the Latvian Portage Association, who shared their experience working in development cooperation.
The participants were introduced to communication for development and development cooperation. There was an open discussion about inequality and poverty what led to talks about Millennium Development Goals and social dimensions of globalization, as well as about the differences in how news about developing countries are covered in Latvian media and abroad. There was a conclusion, that even for news from local communities, it’s possible to find a correlation with the the global scale and similar problems can be identified in Latvia, South-America and Africa. As said one of participants: “We are invariably connected.” There was a discussion on how to elaborate a good publication about development issues, how and where to choose information, ethics and format and how to deliver the story.
In the end of the day several participants revealed, that before this day they didn’t know a lot about global development issues, but now they see importance to link local level issues to a global context. This event took place within the framework of the EU-funded project “Baltic States – Channeling Information for Development”.
In the photo: participants of the event.
Information provided by Baiba Udrase, LAPAS
The event was organised in close cooperation between the Latvian Platform for Development Cooperation (LAPAS) and its member organisation Latvian Media Professionals Training Center. A total of 16 journalists took part in event, representing 15 different local print media - which is still one of the main information sources for lots of people, especially in the countryside. Invited guests were representatives from the Latvian forum for Latvian Farmer’s Federation and the Latvian Portage Association, who shared their experience working in development cooperation.
The participants were introduced to communication for development and development cooperation. There was an open discussion about inequality and poverty what led to talks about Millennium Development Goals and social dimensions of globalization, as well as about the differences in how news about developing countries are covered in Latvian media and abroad. There was a conclusion, that even for news from local communities, it’s possible to find a correlation with the the global scale and similar problems can be identified in Latvia, South-America and Africa. As said one of participants: “We are invariably connected.” There was a discussion on how to elaborate a good publication about development issues, how and where to choose information, ethics and format and how to deliver the story.
In the end of the day several participants revealed, that before this day they didn’t know a lot about global development issues, but now they see importance to link local level issues to a global context. This event took place within the framework of the EU-funded project “Baltic States – Channeling Information for Development”.
In the photo: participants of the event.
Information provided by Baiba Udrase, LAPAS
International Forum “Stronger together” in Slovenia
The Slovenian NGO Povod and SLOGA (Slovenian NGDO platform for development cooperation and humanitarian aid), with the financial support of Anna Lind Foundation (ALF), organised on November 13th and 14th 2012, an international forum titled “Stronger Together”.
The forum was opened by an interesting panel “The Euro-Mediterranean Space in Times of Changes – the Arab Spring and Looking Ahead”, consisted of national and international (Tunisian and Lebanese) guests, which were discussing about the following topics: political, social and cultural changes in the Arab world after the Arab spring, their impact on relations in the broader Euro-Mediterranean region and the role of civil society.
The programme also offered two workshops (the first one focusing on the role of women in the Arab world during and after the revolution and the second one about young people as new ideas’-/ideologies’-holders), included the annual meeting of the Slovenian ALF Network members and an informal gathering for those interested in cooperating with organizations from Tunisia and Lebanon.
In the photo: panel “The Euro-Mediterranean Space in Times of Changes – the Arab Spring and Looking Ahead” (photo by Petr Lavrencik).
Information provided by Iva Likar, SLOGA
The forum was opened by an interesting panel “The Euro-Mediterranean Space in Times of Changes – the Arab Spring and Looking Ahead”, consisted of national and international (Tunisian and Lebanese) guests, which were discussing about the following topics: political, social and cultural changes in the Arab world after the Arab spring, their impact on relations in the broader Euro-Mediterranean region and the role of civil society.
The programme also offered two workshops (the first one focusing on the role of women in the Arab world during and after the revolution and the second one about young people as new ideas’-/ideologies’-holders), included the annual meeting of the Slovenian ALF Network members and an informal gathering for those interested in cooperating with organizations from Tunisia and Lebanon.
In the photo: panel “The Euro-Mediterranean Space in Times of Changes – the Arab Spring and Looking Ahead” (photo by Petr Lavrencik).
Information provided by Iva Likar, SLOGA
Feasibility visit between KOPIN (Malta) and APE (Egypt)
In the beginning of December 2012, KOPIN (Koperazzjoni Internazzjonali – Malta) hosted Mrs Syada Alhamy Greiss, Chairperson of the Egyptian Association for the Protection of Environment (APE), for a three-day meeting during which the relative representatives discussed a potential partnership, shared ideas and opportunities for collaboration between the two NGOs.
The discussions held over these three days helped the organisations get to know each other better. It was clear that the mission and vision of both organisations deal with social and economic sustainable development. The two organisations have shown a great interest in establishing a strong and long-term partnership in support of the Zabbaleen community in Cairo.
APE works with the informal garbage collectors of Cairo known as the Zabbaleen (garbage collectors). The focus of this NGO is to enable women and children in this marginalized community to engage in education. Amongst the different programmes implemented by APE, an afternoon project gives children the opportunity to learn new skills in an informal way while also providing them with support in their formal educational formation. Women, too, are at the heart of the NGO. With the help of volunteers, APE has managed to equip a significant number of Zabbaleen women with weaving, recycling and craft skills. All the products are produced from collected waste materials.
KOPIN works in the field of development cooperation and its overall aim is to contribute actively to the alleviation of global poverty and social injustice. The NGO’s main areas of work deal with networking, advocacy, global education and development cooperation.
This event was made possible through the financial contribution of the European Commission through the Youth in Action Programme. Three young KOPIN volunteers, Annabelle Khalil, Maria Psaila and Gisele Correia, helped in the preparation and organisation of the visit.
For further information, contact William Grech, Executive Director at KOPIN: william.grech@kopin.org
The discussions held over these three days helped the organisations get to know each other better. It was clear that the mission and vision of both organisations deal with social and economic sustainable development. The two organisations have shown a great interest in establishing a strong and long-term partnership in support of the Zabbaleen community in Cairo.
APE works with the informal garbage collectors of Cairo known as the Zabbaleen (garbage collectors). The focus of this NGO is to enable women and children in this marginalized community to engage in education. Amongst the different programmes implemented by APE, an afternoon project gives children the opportunity to learn new skills in an informal way while also providing them with support in their formal educational formation. Women, too, are at the heart of the NGO. With the help of volunteers, APE has managed to equip a significant number of Zabbaleen women with weaving, recycling and craft skills. All the products are produced from collected waste materials.
KOPIN works in the field of development cooperation and its overall aim is to contribute actively to the alleviation of global poverty and social injustice. The NGO’s main areas of work deal with networking, advocacy, global education and development cooperation.
This event was made possible through the financial contribution of the European Commission through the Youth in Action Programme. Three young KOPIN volunteers, Annabelle Khalil, Maria Psaila and Gisele Correia, helped in the preparation and organisation of the visit.
For further information, contact William Grech, Executive Director at KOPIN: william.grech@kopin.org
Humanitarian Aid and Development Cooperation discussed in Warsaw
From 7th-8th December 2012, Polish Humanitarian Action (PAH) organized an international conference - “Key Challenges of Humanitarian Aid and Development Cooperation in the 21st Century” at the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw. The conference was part of the celebrations of the Foundation’s 20th Anniversary.
During the conference a number of issues relating to development cooperation were discussed including prevention of the food crises; working in areas of armed conflict; the effectiveness of global education; the impact of the financial crisis on development cooperation; problems of migrants in Poland; and the importance of cross-sectoral cooperation. The conference was attended by more than 30 experts from all around the world, and nearly 500 participants.
The president of Poland, Bronislaw Komorowski, inaugurated the conference with his opening speech. He spoke about the positive changes that have been taking place since the political transition in Poland. The President stressed that the aid which Poland received from other countries during that period puts on our shoulders moral responsibility to cooperate with and help countries and societies that now need similar assistance. Helping others is the most beautiful form of diplomacy one can imagine, and humanitarian and development aid is the form of struggle for freedom, equality and democracy, said the President.
Minister Pełczyska - Nałęcz transferred to the hands of the president of PAH a congratulatory letter from the minister of foreign affairs Radosław Sikorski. In addition to the letter, she highlighted the changes that have occurred in the Polish society during the past years, relating to development cooperation. She said: More and more people in Poland are interested in development cooperation, as much as 78% of citizens believe that Poland should support the countries of the Global South that are in need by providing them with humanitarian assistance and development aid. Poland is progressively becoming a mature donor. The Undersecretary of State also spoke about the legal act introduced in early 2012, which defines the key concepts of development assistance, and sets its direction. In addition, the audience had a chance to listen to the words of the Minister of Foreign Affairs - Radoslaw Sikorski, who wrote the letter to be read to the audience at the conference.
The president of the Board of PAH, Janka Ochojska, also took an opportunity to warmly welcome the audience of the conference. She stressed that the 20th anniversary celebration of PAH is an unique opportunity to evaluate the performance of PAH, as well as examine the overall achievements and errors pertaining the implementation of humanitarian and development aid and to analyze the challenges of the present and the future. Polish society is certainly experiencing significant transformation - Janina Ochojska emphasized. However, society’s education in terms of the global education and humanitarian aid still remains a challenge. The media play an indispensable role in building awareness and educating the public. She also referred to the above mentioned act, stating that it requires some changes to enable organisations to conduct long-term activities.
Information provided by Aneta Sarna, PHO
During the conference a number of issues relating to development cooperation were discussed including prevention of the food crises; working in areas of armed conflict; the effectiveness of global education; the impact of the financial crisis on development cooperation; problems of migrants in Poland; and the importance of cross-sectoral cooperation. The conference was attended by more than 30 experts from all around the world, and nearly 500 participants.
The president of Poland, Bronislaw Komorowski, inaugurated the conference with his opening speech. He spoke about the positive changes that have been taking place since the political transition in Poland. The President stressed that the aid which Poland received from other countries during that period puts on our shoulders moral responsibility to cooperate with and help countries and societies that now need similar assistance. Helping others is the most beautiful form of diplomacy one can imagine, and humanitarian and development aid is the form of struggle for freedom, equality and democracy, said the President.
Minister Pełczyska - Nałęcz transferred to the hands of the president of PAH a congratulatory letter from the minister of foreign affairs Radosław Sikorski. In addition to the letter, she highlighted the changes that have occurred in the Polish society during the past years, relating to development cooperation. She said: More and more people in Poland are interested in development cooperation, as much as 78% of citizens believe that Poland should support the countries of the Global South that are in need by providing them with humanitarian assistance and development aid. Poland is progressively becoming a mature donor. The Undersecretary of State also spoke about the legal act introduced in early 2012, which defines the key concepts of development assistance, and sets its direction. In addition, the audience had a chance to listen to the words of the Minister of Foreign Affairs - Radoslaw Sikorski, who wrote the letter to be read to the audience at the conference.
The president of the Board of PAH, Janka Ochojska, also took an opportunity to warmly welcome the audience of the conference. She stressed that the 20th anniversary celebration of PAH is an unique opportunity to evaluate the performance of PAH, as well as examine the overall achievements and errors pertaining the implementation of humanitarian and development aid and to analyze the challenges of the present and the future. Polish society is certainly experiencing significant transformation - Janina Ochojska emphasized. However, society’s education in terms of the global education and humanitarian aid still remains a challenge. The media play an indispensable role in building awareness and educating the public. She also referred to the above mentioned act, stating that it requires some changes to enable organisations to conduct long-term activities.
Information provided by Aneta Sarna, PHO
Slovak Development Cooperation Forum in Nairobi
The Slovak Embassy in Nairobi and the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic organized a Development Cooperation Forum in Nairobi
. The forum that took place from 19th – 21st November 2012 aimed at discussing development cooperation that has been provided to Kenya for almost 17 years by Slovak development NGOs and 10 years by the official development assistance programme “SlovakAid”.
The forum gathered together representatives of 10 Slovak NGDOs and universities that are active in Kenya, their local partners as well as the representatives of the MFA SR and their Kenyan counterparts, private sector, other donors, the EU and the UN agencies. Participants of the conference accessed their experience from working in Kenya and defined strategies and policies for the next period in order to make Slovak development cooperation with Kenya even more effective and sustainable. The forum was accompanied by a Kenyan-Slovak Trade and Economic Seminar on 19th November 2012 where Slovak companies participated.
In the frame of the programme “SlovakAid”, 5.8 million Euros have been allocated for bilateral development projects since 2004. Projects are implemented by universities, NGOs, research institutes or business entities. Apart from the programme, Slovak organizations implement projects thanks to fundraising campaigns. According to Slovak NGDOs, the Slovak Development Cooperation Forum in Nairobi was a unique event that provided space for experience sharing and discussing possibilities of increasing the positive impact of the cooperation.
More information on Slovak development cooperation in Kenya can be found in the material prepared by the Slovak NGDO Platform “Slovakia has been helping Kenya for 17 years”.
Information provided by Andrea Girmanova, MVRO- Slovak NGDO Platform
The forum gathered together representatives of 10 Slovak NGDOs and universities that are active in Kenya, their local partners as well as the representatives of the MFA SR and their Kenyan counterparts, private sector, other donors, the EU and the UN agencies. Participants of the conference accessed their experience from working in Kenya and defined strategies and policies for the next period in order to make Slovak development cooperation with Kenya even more effective and sustainable. The forum was accompanied by a Kenyan-Slovak Trade and Economic Seminar on 19th November 2012 where Slovak companies participated.
In the frame of the programme “SlovakAid”, 5.8 million Euros have been allocated for bilateral development projects since 2004. Projects are implemented by universities, NGOs, research institutes or business entities. Apart from the programme, Slovak organizations implement projects thanks to fundraising campaigns. According to Slovak NGDOs, the Slovak Development Cooperation Forum in Nairobi was a unique event that provided space for experience sharing and discussing possibilities of increasing the positive impact of the cooperation.
More information on Slovak development cooperation in Kenya can be found in the material prepared by the Slovak NGDO Platform “Slovakia has been helping Kenya for 17 years”.
Information provided by Andrea Girmanova, MVRO- Slovak NGDO Platform
Emergency Health Care Programme for the Disabled Poor in Guatemala
Integra Foundation, Malta are partnering with the Research Institute for Health and Social Change (RIHSC), Manchester Metropolitan University, UK on an action research project providing disabled people in extreme poverty in Guatemala with emergency health care, in particular those residing in the poorest rural areas and indigenous populations . It prioritises those living in the most impoverished conditions. Working collaboratively throughout all stages with local level Disabled People’s Organisations (DPOs) and other trusted partners as well as families and communities, the project contributes to alleviating the barriers in particular the costs that traditionally bar access to emergency health care, while offering a sustainable and individualised health care programme that is locally owned and run. The project is currently funded by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in Malta.
For more information see http://integrafoundation.org/guatemalaproject/ and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5CYhKFmlvSk.
Contact for project: Dr Shaun Grech E-mail: integrafoundation@gmail.com
Information and picture from the project provided by Shaum Grech, Integra Foundation
For more information see http://integrafoundation.org/guatemalaproject/ and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5CYhKFmlvSk.
Contact for project: Dr Shaun Grech E-mail: integrafoundation@gmail.com
Information and picture from the project provided by Shaum Grech, Integra Foundation
CSO Partnership on Development Effectiveness
The end of one process often marks the beginning of a second, and this is true of the Open Forum, which successfully completed its mandate this month. The decision was taken to merge the two CSO global processes dealing with aid effectiveness - Open Forum and BetterAid – after the fourth high level forum on aid effectiveness in Busan. The new CSO Partnership on Development Effectiveness (CPDE) is a result of worldwide CSO consultations over the past year and intends to respond better to the post-Busan development agenda.
The CPDE Global Council met in Nairobi in December 2012 to finalise the strategy, working groups and mandate.
The ‘ABC’ of the New Global CSO Platform (taken from the last Open Forum newsletter):
- Mandate: The CPDE is an open platform for civil society organizations worldwide that promotes CSOs’ vision of development effectiveness as based on a rights-based approach prioritizing women’s rights, sustainability, improved livelihoods, mutual accountability - as well as CSOs’ own effectiveness and enabling environment - in the scope of the policy and practice of the Busan Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation, and by focusing on country level outcomes while coordinating CSO efforts globally.
- Structure: The CPDE is led by a Global Council representing the major regional and sectoral civil society groups worldwide and is assisted in its task by a Coordination Committee, Global Secretariat, thematic Working Groups, and an Independent Accountability Committee.
The CPDE will focus on three priority areas: CSO Development Effectiveness; enabling environment for CSOs and the Human Rights Based Approach.
For more information on the CPDE:
Consult the CPDE Bulletin and website of BetterAid
Refer to the Open Forum CPDE webpage
Information provided by Rebecca Steel-Jasińska, TRIALOG
The ‘ABC’ of the New Global CSO Platform (taken from the last Open Forum newsletter):
- Mandate: The CPDE is an open platform for civil society organizations worldwide that promotes CSOs’ vision of development effectiveness as based on a rights-based approach prioritizing women’s rights, sustainability, improved livelihoods, mutual accountability - as well as CSOs’ own effectiveness and enabling environment - in the scope of the policy and practice of the Busan Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation, and by focusing on country level outcomes while coordinating CSO efforts globally.
- Structure: The CPDE is led by a Global Council representing the major regional and sectoral civil society groups worldwide and is assisted in its task by a Coordination Committee, Global Secretariat, thematic Working Groups, and an Independent Accountability Committee.
The CPDE will focus on three priority areas: CSO Development Effectiveness; enabling environment for CSOs and the Human Rights Based Approach.
For more information on the CPDE:
Consult the CPDE Bulletin and website of BetterAid
Refer to the Open Forum CPDE webpage
Information provided by Rebecca Steel-Jasińska, TRIALOG
Maltese Mission Fund Project in India
Mission Fund is a voluntary organisation set up in Malta to provide support to a number of Maltese missionaries spread out in about 40 countries throughout the globe. For the last 20 years, Mission Fund has funded 22 construction projects in Africa, Latin America and Asia.
This year’s project consisted in the construction of an extension to St. Xavier College run by the Jesuits in Maharo, Dumka, India. This building will serve as an accommodation hostel for about 400 tribal girls attending the college coming from remote Santal villages.
On 13th October 2012, a group of seventeen Mission Fund volunteers left Malta for a 5-week stay in Maharo to help in the construction of this project. The group was accommodated in St Xavier College where they received a very warm welcome by the Jesuits running the college as well as the students, who showed their appreciation for the volunteers who came to help in this project. The group also met 8 Maltese missionaries who have been serving in the vicinity of Dumka for a long time, some for over 50 years. Before returning to Malta, the group took the opportunity to visit the tomb of the Blessed Mother Theresa in Calcutta as well as the homes for handicapped children and for the elderly which are run by the Missionaries of Charity.
In the photo: constructing the extension of St. Xavier College.
For further information about this project, please contact Mr. John Sammut, Public Relations Officer – Mission Fund at: sammutjohn@onvol.net
This year’s project consisted in the construction of an extension to St. Xavier College run by the Jesuits in Maharo, Dumka, India. This building will serve as an accommodation hostel for about 400 tribal girls attending the college coming from remote Santal villages.
On 13th October 2012, a group of seventeen Mission Fund volunteers left Malta for a 5-week stay in Maharo to help in the construction of this project. The group was accommodated in St Xavier College where they received a very warm welcome by the Jesuits running the college as well as the students, who showed their appreciation for the volunteers who came to help in this project. The group also met 8 Maltese missionaries who have been serving in the vicinity of Dumka for a long time, some for over 50 years. Before returning to Malta, the group took the opportunity to visit the tomb of the Blessed Mother Theresa in Calcutta as well as the homes for handicapped children and for the elderly which are run by the Missionaries of Charity.
In the photo: constructing the extension of St. Xavier College.
For further information about this project, please contact Mr. John Sammut, Public Relations Officer – Mission Fund at: sammutjohn@onvol.net
European Commission announces increased Support for Civil Society in the Neighbourhood Area
The European Commission has adopted the second phase of the Neighbourhood Civil Society Facility to enhance involvement of civil society organisations in the European Neighbourhood area. The goal is to support them in the policy dialogue with partner governments, to strengthen civil society's role in fostering public accountability and support their increased role in national reforms process and in local development agenda. The Neighbourhood Civil Society Facility will receive a new budget allocation of EUR 45.3 million for 2012-2013.
Read the press release here.
Read the press release here.
Global Citizens: Development Education Theory & Practice
Kerry One World Centre (KOWC) invites you to attend this insightful course for
Adult Basic Skills/Literacy Educators - fully funded by the EU.
Join with an international group of professionals and peers to enhance your skills and improve your capacity to assist your students to learn in an environment that encourages active citizenship.
Development Education (DE) methodologies will be introduced by an expert team and participants will be facilitated to explore how to integrate DE approaches and resources into their work. Take this opportunity to gain crucial competences to boost your personal and professional profile as well as the potential of your organisation.
The course is fully funded by the European Union's Grundtvig Lifelong Learning Programme. You will first need to apply to your national agency before 16th January 2013 to obtain this grant. Applications can take several days so it's best to begin your application now.
Course Dates:
Session 1: 27/05/2013 - 31/05/2013
Session 2: 17/06/2013 - 21/06/2013
The course takes place in Tralee/Kerry, Ireland.
A grant is available under the EU Grundtvig Inservice programme to cover travel & accommodation expenses and fees for this course.
Attendees must register by Monday, January 16th 2013.
Further information:
Contact Mary McGillicuddy by email coordinator@kade.ie of KOWC
How to apply:
1. Find your National Agency here.
2. Email them or visit their website to download the application form for Grundtvig in-service training. Grundtvig is for teachers of adult learners or other forms of informal learning (for example librarians, local council staff)
3. Choose the dates that you want to attend (Session 1: 27/5/2012 - 31/5/2012, or Session 2: 17/6/2012 - 21/6/2012).
4. Complete the pre-registration booking form. You will be issued with a pre-acceptance letter by email.
5. Complete your National Agency form.
6. Submit the application form and pre-acceptance letter in time for your local national deadlines (all countries are different so check with your local Agency).
7. Please contact coordinator@kade.ie with details of your acceptance/rejection.
8. We will then furnish you with the necessary pre-course information.
Further details can be found on the Kerry One World Centre website: www.kade.ie/globalcitizens
Development Education (DE) methodologies will be introduced by an expert team and participants will be facilitated to explore how to integrate DE approaches and resources into their work. Take this opportunity to gain crucial competences to boost your personal and professional profile as well as the potential of your organisation.
The course is fully funded by the European Union's Grundtvig Lifelong Learning Programme. You will first need to apply to your national agency before 16th January 2013 to obtain this grant. Applications can take several days so it's best to begin your application now.
Course Dates:
Session 1: 27/05/2013 - 31/05/2013
Session 2: 17/06/2013 - 21/06/2013
The course takes place in Tralee/Kerry, Ireland.
A grant is available under the EU Grundtvig Inservice programme to cover travel & accommodation expenses and fees for this course.
Attendees must register by Monday, January 16th 2013.
Further information:
Contact Mary McGillicuddy by email coordinator@kade.ie of KOWC
How to apply:
1. Find your National Agency here.
2. Email them or visit their website to download the application form for Grundtvig in-service training. Grundtvig is for teachers of adult learners or other forms of informal learning (for example librarians, local council staff)
3. Choose the dates that you want to attend (Session 1: 27/5/2012 - 31/5/2012, or Session 2: 17/6/2012 - 21/6/2012).
4. Complete the pre-registration booking form. You will be issued with a pre-acceptance letter by email.
5. Complete your National Agency form.
6. Submit the application form and pre-acceptance letter in time for your local national deadlines (all countries are different so check with your local Agency).
7. Please contact coordinator@kade.ie with details of your acceptance/rejection.
8. We will then furnish you with the necessary pre-course information.
Further details can be found on the Kerry One World Centre website: www.kade.ie/globalcitizens
Interactive Web Portal for CSO Development Effectiveness
The CSO Development Effectiveness Web Portal, which was launched this week, is an open online platform where civil society practitioners interested in and working towards improving the impact of their work in development, can access and share tools, resources and case studies with others also working on improving their effectiveness. On the site, you can search for ideas and examples from other CSO practitioners, upload your contributions, and rate the tools you think work best for implementing a particular aspect of the CSO Development Effectiveness agenda.
Visit the web portal at http://wiki.cso-effectiveness.org/
A second tool launched through the Open Forum for CSO Development Effectiveness, to apply civil society’s standards of effective development, expressed in the International Framework for CSO Development Effectiveness and recognized by the Global Partnership agreement, is The Practitioner’s Activity Guide to the CSO Development Effectiveness Principles - a training methodology to transmit the collective experience behind the International Framework to help civil society organizations (CSOs) take the first planning steps towards improving their effectiveness by applying the eight ‘Istanbul’ Principles for CSO Development Effectiveness.
For more information please contact Olga Kozhaeva: info@cso-effectiveness.org
Source: Open Forum for CSO Development Effectiveness
Visit the web portal at http://wiki.cso-effectiveness.org/
A second tool launched through the Open Forum for CSO Development Effectiveness, to apply civil society’s standards of effective development, expressed in the International Framework for CSO Development Effectiveness and recognized by the Global Partnership agreement, is The Practitioner’s Activity Guide to the CSO Development Effectiveness Principles - a training methodology to transmit the collective experience behind the International Framework to help civil society organizations (CSOs) take the first planning steps towards improving their effectiveness by applying the eight ‘Istanbul’ Principles for CSO Development Effectiveness.
For more information please contact Olga Kozhaeva: info@cso-effectiveness.org
Source: Open Forum for CSO Development Effectiveness
UNIDO Report: Networks for Prosperity - Connecting Development Knowledge beyond 2015
This report of UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization) illustrates the importance of network governance in the context of economic globalization, aid and development. It argues that this is of particular relevance in the context of the current debate on the establishment of a new set of global development goals by 2015.
This report has been jointly produced by UNIDO and the Centre for Global Governance Studies in Leuven, Belgium, under the overall umbrella of the Spanish MDG Achievement Fund. It includes contributions from a wide variety of experts in the field of knowledge networks and network governance.
Among the expert contributions is an article on KNOW-HOW3000, the knowledge management programme of TRIALOG´s lead agency HORIZONT3000. The article provides an insight to the structure and methods of the programme, as well as an assessment and lessons-learned.
Read the UNIDO report online.
Source: UNIDO
Among the expert contributions is an article on KNOW-HOW3000, the knowledge management programme of TRIALOG´s lead agency HORIZONT3000. The article provides an insight to the structure and methods of the programme, as well as an assessment and lessons-learned.
Read the UNIDO report online.
Source: UNIDO
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