Thursday 15 September 2011

TACSO Regional CSO Database Online

The Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations (TACSO) project launched its web-based database for civil society organisations. The TACSO CSO Database should become a comprehensive online listing of different Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in the IPA region. For each registered CSO, information can be found about the organisation’s mission statement, area of interest, and contact details. The Database will serve as a reference resource to existing and active CSOs as well as a basis for networking and partnership making, i.e. on EU applications and funding, among different organisations. In addition, information on the legislation and government institutions that are relevant to the work of CSOs within the region can be found on the database. By registering on the TACSO Database, the CSOs are increasing their visibility, and are reaching out to potential partners which will assist them in accomplishing their goals. The TACSO CSO Database is accessible via TACSO

Source: BCSDN No. 235

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