Monday 15 November 2010

TRIALOG Training on Project Proposal Writing (EC Funding)

The training on the 25th of October in Bucharest was organized by FOND Development Education Working Group (the Romanian NGDO Platform) with the support of TRIALOG and facilitated by AndraTanase (TRIALOG Capacity Building Officer).

The training aimed at informing FOND members (especially the Development Education Working Group members) on the project application process for the Non-State-Actors – Local Authorities (NSA-LA) thematic program (development education line) and drawing concrete project ideas for future calls for proposals.

In the first session, the participants learnt more about the TRIALOG activities, EC funding sources for development cooperation and how to submit a project proposal (following the components of the Application Form). The second part of the training consisted in putting into practice the steps of writing a project proposal (among which how to elaborate a problem/solutions tree). The main problems identified as potential starting points for project proposals included: lack of awareness raising on development education and communication among different groups, ranging from governmental actors to the public (especially young people).

The participants were divided into groups and started working on different project ideas, such as increasing the impact of media on development (development education) in Romania and public awareness on Millennium Development Goals in a structured, coherent, strategic and inclusive way (drafting a national strategy on development education in Romania).

The training provided an excellent framework for the members of FOND Development Education Working Group to structure their ideas into feasible project proposals. These ideas were based on concrete needs identified during the first National Seminar on Global/Development Education organized by FOND in July 2010, with support of the North-South Center.

Information provided by Adela Rusu, FOND

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