Friday 15 October 2010

Development Education Projects from Writing to Implementation

Between 7th and 8th of October 2010 TRIALOG organized in cooperation with LITDEA a training focusing on Development Education, project writing and strategies for including Development Education in school curricula. The first day, an avid dialogue took place with representatives of civil society, teachers and Ministry for Foreign Affairs on what are the opportunities in Lithuania to include development education in school curricula. Case studies from the UK were presented and participants engaged in discussions reflecting on the challenges and opportunities. Transversality of development education topics was recognized as an opportunity and also the existing experience with such topics, even if not identified as
development education.

The second day, the focus shifted to project writing and throughout the day participants went over the phases of the project cycle and application writing and 3 project ideas were outlined. The day was intense and towards the end most participants recognized the training as interesting and useful for their work but also recognized the need for more NGOs to actively participate in such events and be ready to draft projects in cooperation with schools.

Information provided by Andra Tanase, TRIALOG

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