With the Training of Multipliers TRIALOG has started a new element in its activities on capacity building. 23 people from 11 New Member States will undergo three 3-day training sessions during 2010 with the final goal of them serving as multipliers and resource people in their respective countries.

The first module from 22st to 24th of March 2010 in Vienna focused on the basics of development cooperation, EU development policies and instruments and EC application. The training consisted of an intensive mixture of input combined with interactive methodology on how to train other people about these sometimes dry issues. Participants debated about ongoing issues in development using the debate as a tool for presenting contradicting positions, conducted expert interviews in order to conduct a needs assessment for an imagined project, and went through the project application steps.

The 23 participants from 11 new member states represented a variety of professional experience and expectations. In the course of the training the need appeared to have more room for discussing current issues of development cooperation as well as for a more intensive sharing of best practices and experiences with regard to projects and applications. The next modules are currently planned including the feedback and input of the participants in order to meet these needs better. The second module will take place from 19 to 21st of May in Vienna, the third module is scheduled for 20-22 September.
Information provided by Ulrike Bey, TRIALOG
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