Wednesday 16 December 2009

Promoting development in Europe: Conference and Toolkit on HRBA

"Promoting development in Europe: Towards a critical mass and beyond" was the title of a conference on the role of the civil society campaigning for International Development in New EU member states which took place in Budapest, Hungary, on 19-20 November 2009.

The event was organized by the Minority Rights Group International and their project partners within the 2-year Promoting Development in Europe project. It attempted to promote a Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA) to development cooperation and to build the capacity of NGDOs from New Member States and other actors (teacher training institutions, teacher associations, universities, journalists etc) on raising public awareness mainly on the Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) and incorporate or advocate for the implementation of HRBA in their development work.

About 30 participants attended the Conference, the agenda of which included a good balance between workshops (How to Use the Media, Strategic Planning and Campaigning, Monitoring and Evaluation and Development Education) and plenary sessions (presentations of the project and project outcomes, of what a HRBA to development is, of the situation of development education in New Member States, and concrete development problems in the field).

An interesting take-home item and also a good resource to be used is the Toolkit on HRBA to campaigning and development education in the new member states downloadable at: (or direct link: The toolkit is supposed to soon become available also in Hungarian, Latvian, Polish, Slovak and Slovenian language.

Information provided by Andra Tanase, TRIALOG

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