Friday 30 October 2009

AidWatch Seminar 2009 and TRIALOG paper on NMS challenges

The annual AidWatch seminar will take place in Brussels this year on 4-6 November. It is the second major event in the AidWatch calendar, after the report launch in the spring (see June TIS:

The agenda will include an induction day for newcomers to the AidWatch initiative, which will introduce them to the process and how they can be involved. The rest of the seminar will focus on reviewing and evaluating AidWatch in 2009, and making plans for 2010, a year when important aid targets should be being met by EU member state governments. Participants will look at the situation of ODA levels due to the recession and other challenges to the aid calendar next year; share information on upcoming policy and pan-European actions; and look at the strategy and structure of AidWatch. An ‘AidWatchers fair’ will allow participants to share publications and information about work on aid this year in their respective countries.

The new member states are currently underrepresented among those participants registered for the AidWatch seminar. If you would like to attend, please contact Rebecca Steel-Jasińska urgently:

A former intern in the Brussels TRIALOG office, Grant Berg, has produced a paper looking at the different challenges faced by old EU member states and new member states in terms of meeting aid quantity and quality commitments that were highlighted by the 2009 CONCORD AidWatch report. The paper can be downloaded from the TRIALOG website:

Information provided by Rebecca Steel-Jasińska, TRIALOG

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