Thursday 31 January 2013

Exchange Seminar on Global Education in the Czech Republic

At the beginning of December 2012, Czech NGOs and other actors active in global education (GE), mostly members of the Czech NGDO platform FoRS and its GE working group, gathered for an exchange seminar in Brno. Similar seminars, very much appreciated by all the participants, took place already in the previous two years.

The main topic of the exchange event in 2012 was the quality of educational materials. The first day was devoted to inputs from experts on education working in fields such as environmental education, civic education, adult education, publishing etc. Based on the inputs, the participants discussed issues such as what kind of materials are needed nowadays, how to work with new media, how to distribute and „sell“ the materials or how to coordinate the work among the different organisations in a more effective way – for example to have a shared editorial plan for all the members.

Apart from that, the gathering offered a unique opportunity for all the organisations to share news, experience and lessons learned from current projects, plans for the future etc. Also, the seminar is an opportunity to hear about and discuss news from the European level.

The seminar was organised by NaZemi, one of the members of the working group on global education, and is planned to take place in this year as well. Contact person: Kristýna Hrubanová,

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