Thursday 17 November 2011

DE Workshop in Lithuania

On the 11th of November the Lithuanian Kolping Society LITDEA held a workshop for the LITDEA member organisations, board members and staff members on Development Education. The workshop was held by Matthias Fiedler director of Irish Development Education Association (IDEA). IDEA is the national platform for organizations and individuals engaged in the provision, promotion and advancement of development education throughout the island of Ireland. The workshop objectives for participants were to become familiar with relevant current European trends in Development Education/ Global Education (DE/GE). Besides, they engaged in a reflection on how their own DE/GE work locally and nationally is situated within the European landscape and dynamics and received “European” inspirations for their own work in DE/ GE.

Mr. Fiedler presented concepts and conceptual issues of Development Education in Ireland, gave reasonable arguments why DE is needed and provided the information what DE explored. During the workshop members did group exercises and had plenary discussions on concepts of DE: informing on development co-operation; campaigning; quality in DE as well as discussions to clarify the concept for the Lithuanian situation, needs analysis for LITDEA, entry points for DE in Lithuania. All members were able to share their points of view and examples of good practise.

The results showed that in Lithuania we need stronger interest in Development Education, more communication and work with society members to promote and enhance DE throughout Lithuania. It is important to involve the ministry of science and education of Lithuania better in promoting DE through the schools.

Information provided by Ruta Ulkyte, Lithuanian Kolping Society

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