As for concrete follow-up activities, the participants of the two platforms will disseminate the report of the study visit among the platform members, elaborate thematic dossiers for the member NGOs (on the ETC, European institutions in development cooperation, EDF, ENPI…), follow-up with the people met during the study visit and encourage platform members to become more active at the European level.
Friday, 23 July 2010
TRIALOG Study Visit to Brussels
As for concrete follow-up activities, the participants of the two platforms will disseminate the report of the study visit among the platform members, elaborate thematic dossiers for the member NGOs (on the ETC, European institutions in development cooperation, EDF, ENPI…), follow-up with the people met during the study visit and encourage platform members to become more active at the European level.
DE Watch released
As a first systematic attempt to assess the DE performance of state and non-state actors in 28 European countries, the DE Watch report develops draft indices and aggregates them into a mapping of the DE commitments and practices of national Non-Governmental Development Organisations and the Ministries/agencies responsible for development.
Furthermore, the report calls for conceptual clarity in the discourse about DE, and suggests a typology which distinguishes between four different understandings of DE that occur in the concepts and practice of the different actors.
In times of decreasing aid budgets and of a more and more interlinked world, the report calls both state and non-state actors to strategically strengthen DE in their organisations and institutions, in order to provide European citizens with the values, knowledge and skills to meet the challenges of an increasingly globalised citizenship.
The European Multi-stakeholder Steering Group on Development Education was established in Helsinki, in 2006. Its members are experts from National Governments, European Institutions, international organisations, and civil society. In 2007, the group drafted the European Consensus on Development: the contribution of Development Education and Awareness Raising, which provides the first strategy framework on European development education and awareness raising at local, regional, national and European levels.Download the DE Watch report
Comments can be made at For more information, contact Tobias Troll
Information provided by Tobias Troll, DEEEP and MSH Secretariat
Schools as key actors in promoting Global Education
The structure of the DESS allowed participants to meet everyday in specific working groups, focusing on environmental sustainability, trade and consumption, poverty, diversity, as well as to attend thematic sessions (quality and impact, teachers training, school curricula and whole school approach, NGOs/schools cooperation), aiming at providing them with a more theoretical information, to feed their reflection.
One of the aims of the week was for participants to prepare a “local action day”, which took place in an art and sport school, nearby the venue. The idea was to bring DE to a local school, and raise pupils’ awareness on topics which for the time being are not yet included in their school curricula. Participants met pupils (aged 6-13) and implemented development education activities for a couple of hours. Both school kids and DESS participants were satisfied with the outcomes of these sessions.
DEEEP is currently working on the evaluation of the summer school. It will be finalised in the coming days and will be posted on the summer school webpage, hosted on DEEEP website. A Summer school 2010 facebook page was created to allow participants to stay in touch in an informal way after the DESS!
Looking forward to DESS 2011…
DEEEP together with its Finnish partners is already working on the next summer school! The Summer School 2011 will take place in June (12-18), nearby Helsinki. The focus will be on Quality and Evaluation.
The final proposal for DESS 2011 will be submitted to DARE members in October. More information will be made available in the next issues of the DE Times.
For more information, contact Chiara Tripepi
Information provided by Chiara Tripepi, DEEEP
Maternity cover for Policy Officer in Brussels office
Monika brings not only a “new EU member state”-perspective into our policy work but also a broad range of experiences in development cooperation and education as well as in policy and advocacy. Since 2005 she has been engaged with GLEN (Global Education Network of Young Europeans) as trainer and tutor and contributed to the network development. For the Kibera Kids 4 Peace programme in Nairobi, Kenya, she established a comprehensive support programme for Kibera slum community children. At the KARAT coalition in Poland she coordinated the “MakeITFair” & “ProcureITfair” campaign and over the last year she has been involved in advocacy activities in Brussels for Friends of the Earth Europe & CEE Bankwatch.
We are happy to welcome Monika in our team.
Information provided by Christine Bedoya, TRIALOG
From Slovakia to Kenya: Following the inner voice
Development work starts with an in-depth understanding of the situation of the target group, beginning where people are with their needs, dreams and fears and respecting their dignity and right to self-determination. It should respond to the real needs of people and communities and build on their inner potential without making them dependent on long-term outside assistance. At the same time, in development work we have to accept that changes happen only slowly and gradually. Those that want to see results too quickly get often very frustrated. There is a need to persist and persevere and then, if we are lucky, we can see some fruits of the work. Development is a marathon rather than a quick run.
A good development project also needs a common realistic vision that can inspire others, and motivated competent people able to face challenges and move forward.
Does your experience of transition in Slovakia - from a former communist country to a recipient country of ODA and then to a EU member and donor country - help you in your development work in Kenya?
Before I came to Kenya, I worked with two large international programmes assisting Slovakia in the transition period. These programmes also provided some technical expertise in form of personnel. From this experience I was aware that the outside assistance is always limited and those wishing to make an impact need to listen a lot, be patient and work very closely with local people who understand much better how things work in their particular context. At the same time, realizing what was achieved in Slovakia during the last 20 years with all the challenges is also encouraging. Change is indeed possible.
Interview by Anita Bister and Ulrike Bey.
Third Edition of the Romanian Development Camp
The event brought together more than 100 participants from different countries and aimed at presenting the contributions of the new EU member states as re-emerging donors. The theme was chosen in the context of the UN Summit which will be held this year in September and will review the progress and the main challenges in achieving the Millennium Development Goals
The working sessions of the camp took place in Covasna and consisted of plenary sessions, workshops and debates. The conclusions of this edition of the Romanian Development Camp reflected the need for an effective national development cooperation policy and an increased involvement of other relevant actors such as the national parliament, academia, local authorities and private sector.
The Romanian Development Camp is an annual event bringing together major stakeholders in development cooperation at national and European level: governmental actors, civil society, experts from European and international donors, partner countries, mass-media, academia and the private sector.
For more information about this event, please contact the FOND Secretariat:
BCSDN Policy Paper on the State of Civil Dialogue in the Western Balkans
While drawing from findings and recommendations from the Balkan Civic Practices 6 - “The Successes and Failures of EU Pre-Accession Policy in the Balkans: Support to Civil Society” on support to development of civil society in the Western Balkan countries, the present paper focuses on analyzing the current situation in development and functioning of civil dialogue in the seven Western Balkans (pre-) accession countries. Furthermore, the paper draws conclusions on how the Enlargement policy could better support the ongoing local efforts on both regional and national level with recommendations addressed equally to the three stakeholders involved – the EC, national Governments and civil society. Experience of three New EU Member States, i.e. Bulgaria, Romania and Slovenia are also included in order to explore the effect of the before and after EU entry as in many cases civil dialogue is a EU benchmark and thus, funded area by the EC in the accession period.
Thus, the paper is not a one-off activity, but part of targeted activities of the BCSDN Mid-term Programme 2009-2011, which in 2010 aim to improve influence of CSOs on the development and functioning of civil dialogue mechanisms in the Balkan countries. The paper is available in English and 3 main local language(s) groups - Albanian , Macedonian and Serbian . The English version is also available in hard-copy upon request from the BCSDN Executive Office .
Source of information: BCSDN
Roundtable "The Influence of the Lisbon Treaty in International Development Cooperation"
Matej Marn, the political director at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia, talked about the creation of the External Action Service (EAS) and pointed out some issues which are still under discussion, such as the scope, budget, and personnel of the EAS. The head of Office of the European Parliament (EP) for Slovenia, Nataša Goršek Mencin, emphasized the role the national parliaments play in influencing development policy through the cooperation with the EP as well as their respective governments. She also talked about the role of the EP as one of the oversight organs of the EAS. The roundtable continued with the EUROSTEP representative Verena Winkler who provided a critical point of view of the decision-making process at the European level, as too many actors are involved and no clear hierarchy is established. The event was rounded up by SLOGA coordinator Marjan Huč who presented the main novelties and challenges of the Lisbon treaty and the implications they have on the functioning of developmental NGOs.
Information provided by Anja Novak, Sloga
EPAN Steering Group Meets in Vienna
Things have been progressing in each of the working group’s three subgroups – on eastern neighbourhood, southern neighbourhood and pre-accession. The group exchanged information about events that have been held and discussed the pressing issues in each case. These include the lack of progress in the Union for the Mediterranean, how to engage most effectively in the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum, which will meet again in November and moving forward the building of links with grassroots organisations in the Western Balkans and Turkey.
There was also discussion on the importance of linking EPAN work more closely with CONCORD priorities and processes, including southern engagement, where the Mediterranean has been identified as a priority for 2011.
The group finalised a date for the next meeting – 5/6 October 2010 and drafted a framework agenda. The agenda will include sessions on various topics: how to engage in the southern neighbourhood given the fact that the political process of the Union for the Mediterranean has stalled, with a guest speaker from another sector – an environmental NGO; how to link the MDGs with the neighbourhood following the MDG summit in September, with a guest speaker from the UNDP; a follow-up session on the European Transition Compendium with a guest speaker from DG external Relations of the European Commission and the usual sessions of information sharing, presidency updates and CONCORD priorities.
More information about the next EPAN working group meeting will be made available on the CONCORD extranet.
Information provided by Rebecca Steel-Jasińska, TRIALOG
New EC Report on Development Cooperation in 2009
The policy priorities outlined are not new to the ears of development workers: coherence, mainstreaming of cross-cutting issues, effectiveness and multi-actor cooperation. The EC promises to continue its work both with traditional donors and emerging partners and to keep the policy coherence very high on the agenda. In the implementation section, the report outlines all the funding instruments.
For the "Non-State actors and local authorities in development" budget line the section states the importance of this line in bringing participation into development projects, and mentions, that from the 53 projects monitored in 2009 (4% of the total number of projects) "In general, the ongoing CMTP [centrally managed thematic projects] which were monitored performed in a positive way in 2009 with regard to all five criteria. No projects with overall really serious deficiencies were identified." The performance, according to the ROM (results-oriented monitoring) seems satisfactory (see graph below), especially in the areas of relevance and impact with efficiency and effectiveness needing some improvement.
However, the Commission identifies some areas which need closer thought and consideration: a) more attention to the analysis of problems, risks and needs during the early programming phase; b) continuous monitoring and readjustment from project managers and c) better and closer involvement of various stakeholders. The report ends with a graphical representation which summarizes the main data on development assistance in 2009. Overall, the document encompasses some food for thought, some good statistics and definitely a worth-while reading for anybody working on Development Cooperation in the EU.
The full report is available on the EC Website
Information provided by Andra Tanase, TRIALOG
Capacity Building in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene - open for application
Participation, accomodation and meals are covered due to the support of the European Commissions Humanitarian Aid Department (ECHO). Find more details at . The trainings might also be an excellent possibility to strengthen the capacities of local implementing partners in developing countries. We are looking forwards to receive applications. The complete Training Porgramme you find here.
Information provided by Jürg Graf, Austrian Red Cross
CONCORD General Assembly: one and only one
For CONCORD participants, it was the political debates that were of significant interest. The policy debates reflected CONCORD 2010 priorities: Policy coherence for Development, Aid Watch/MDGs, the impact of the European institutional reform and the quadrilogue process.
Other thematic information was shared on the Spring Alliance work, how to increase the partnerships with the South (a first meeting will take place on 27 July), the upcoming Belgian presidency of the European Union, the progress and plans of the Open Forum for CSO Development Effectiveness, the Development Education Watch report, the non-eligibility of taxes within EC-funded projects, the workshop on how to improve members capacity in lobbying parliaments (a second meeting will be organised end of September in on lobbying national governments).
One of the high point on the agenda was of course the debate with Development Commissioner Piebalgs who proposed to build an EU development acquis, looking for opportunities to use directives and legislation, and stressed that he wanted civil society organisations to be more consulted and more active.
For further information:
Information provided by Agnès Philippart, CONCORD
Roundtable "Bilateral and Multilateral Mechanisms of the fight against Climate Change in Developing Countries"
Monique Barbut highlighted the special nature of GEF and its way of financing huge projects that are worth more than 1 billion dollars as well as small projects implemented by smaller NGOs. The financial crisis will affect the functioning of GEF, but despite this fact, donors, including Slovenia, have raised their contribution to GEF. The Panelists agreed that multilateral agencies play an important role in fighting against climate change but at the same time we cannot forget activities of NGOs and other bilateral actors with their effective impact in preventing further negative causes of climate change. Panelists also highlighted the importance of new and additional sources dedicated to climate change in developing countries.
Information provided by Janja Mikulan, Sloga
Visit of the Turkish Cypriot NGO Network in Slovenia
Information provided by Dunja Segrt, Sloga
EC Application proposal writing trained in Slovenia
The Seminar was led by Andra Tanase from TRIALOG. On the first day the participants were presented with EU funding possibilities, an overview of the guidelines for grant applications, the components of the application form (including problem analysis, target group, partners etc) and the Logical Framework. On the second day participants were introduced to monitoring, evaluation, sustainability and visibility rules that must be considered when applying for EC co-financing.
The seminar improved the capacity of Slovenian NGO members for applying for co-financing of their projects from EC funds. Participants will now be able to successfully apply for EC co-financing. This will improve their chances for successful application and consequently their contribution to development cooperation. The evaluation results show that the participants were satisfied with the training. They suggested however, that in the future such seminars would last longer, especially if they contain workshops. They also hope that in the future more application proposal writing seminars will be held, so that they could improve the knowledge they received here.
Information provided by Vlado Odar, Sloga
Asia Europe Peoples' Forum: Challenging and Eroding Corporate Power - Building states of citizens for citizens
The Asia Europe People’s Forum (AEPF) began in 1996 in Bangkok, in parallel, and in response to the first ASEM summit which pushed for stronger regional blocs and the promotion of corporate power. AEPF is grounded in the common desire of people’s organisations and social justice networks across Asia and Europe to open up new venues for dialogue, solidarity and action.
On 2-5 October 2010, the 8th Asia-Europe Peoples' Forum will be held in Brussels where a series of events will be conducted. Events will focus on the relation of corporate power to: trade/investment, food sovereignty, climate change, decent work (including social protection) and peace and security. The AEPF will be a series of interlinked dialogues, workshops, actions, tribunals and policy debates with the European Commission and Members of the European Parliament. Events are being co-ordinated by Belgium organisations, Brussels-based European networks and the AEPF International Organising Committee.
AEPF provides a space for citizens to share, strengthen struggles and develop recommendations, campaigns and alternatives for both regions. AEPF has actively engaged with ASEM, lobbying for the integration of people’s rights into ASEM. AEPF has contributed to building stronger networks at national and regional levels and has implemented cross regional initiatives on peace and security, economic and social justice, democratisation and human rights.
Deadline for registration and organisation of an event is August 2, 2010 at
More information:
EC website on ASEM
EuroNGOs Conference “Gender and SRHR at the Heart of the MDGs”
In cooperation with expert speakers, policymakers and participants both from the “Northern” and “Southern” hemisphere, and a broader community of development cooperation, women’s, human rights, and humanitarian organisations and experts, it will provide a space to find common grounds and joint ways forward. The conference will allow for the opening up to and bringing in a broader constituency of NGOs working towards poverty alleviation from a rights-based perspective. It will also foster support for the South-North partnership cooperation and promote EuroNGOs’ pilot project on this.
For more information, background and registration please visit
Bulgarian NGO is looking for partners in the field of sports and migration
Setting the Framework for Development Education in Romania
The objective of the seminar was to bring together key Romanian stakeholders in the field and raise awareness on development education among governmental and non-governmental actors in order to create a multistakeholder process to prepare the national global/development education strategy. Among participants invited were representatives from central and local authorities, ministries, civil society, academia and media.
The event focused on the communication and collaboration between NGOs and the governmental actors and the presentations covered interesting topics such as: theoretical approaches on development/ global education concepts, good practices in the field of development education in Europe, financial opportunities and the national context in development/global education.
The conclusions of the seminar emphasized the need for a common vision of the national community involved, on the two concepts of development education/global education as well as coherence and communication between all the relevant actors. The FOND Working Group on Development Education will ensure the follow-up of this event by initiating and facilitating a national multi-stakeholder group including the participants at this seminar.
Information provided by Adela Rusu, FOND
BE FAIR International Contest – Call for proposals
BE FAIR Award South-South (second edition): Best initiative for the promotion and sales of fair trade products/services within the domestic market and/or in markets of other developing countries
BE FAIR Award for Her (first edition): Organisation that best encompasses women's participation and development
The two winners are granted a BE FAIR Award and prize money of Euro 5,000. Winners are invited to attend the BE FAIR Award ceremony (costs related to attendance are paid by BTC) that will take place in Brussels on September 30th. Deadline for submission of proposals: August 23rd 2010. Information for participation you find at BE FAIR Award South-South and BE FAIR Award for HER